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Selected Correspondences between a Freudian Circle of Psychoanalysts



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RG-24.01, A letter from Dr. Karl Abraham to Dr. Simmel, English translation, December 15, 1918

RG-24.02, A letter from Dr. Karl Abraham to Dr. Simmel, in German, December 15, 1918

RG-24.03, A letter from Dr. Hanns Sachs to Dr. Ernst Lewy, in German, September 21, 1936

RG-24.04, A letter from Dr. Bernfeld to Dr. Brunswick, in English, October 15, 1937

RG-24.05, A letter from Princess Maria Bonaparte, St. Tropez, France to Dr. Simmel, July 13, 1946

RG-24.06, A letter from Dr. Brill to Dr. Simmel, October 19, 1944

RG-24.07, A letter from Karl Menninger, Menninger Clinic to Dr. Simmel, June 23, 1933

RG-24.08, A letter from William Menninger to Dr. Simmel, June 24, 1937

RG-24.09, A letter  from Dr. Fenichel to Margrit Libbin, April 4, 1938

RG-24.10, A letter from Anna Freud to Simmel, in German, April 1, 1940

RG-24.11, A letter from Martha Freud to the LA Psychoanalytic Society, by Dr. Tidd, July 31, 1951

RG-24.12, A letter from the office of Dr. Gitelson to Harvey Lewis, October 9, 1956

RG-24.13, A discourse by Dr. Glover of Freudian and Kleinian split in the UK, January, February 1944

RG-24.14, Two letters from Dr. Simmel to Dr. Lewy, May 8, 1945

RG-24.15, A letter from Erik Erikson to Dr. Simmel, undated

RG-24.16, A letter from William Harriman to Dr. Simmel, October 12, 1947

RG-24.17, A letter from Pryns Hopkins to Dr. Simmel, March 5, 1942

RG-24.18, A letter from Dr. Karen Horney to Dr. Emanuel Windholz, December 1, 1942

RG-24.19, A letter from Ernst Jones to Dr. Simmel, June 1, 1940

RG-24.20, A letter from Ernest Jones to Dr. Simmel, September 25, 1947

RG-24.21, A letter from Dr. Bertram Lewin to Dr. Tidd, July 18, 1940

RG-24.22, A letter from Carey McWilliams to Dr. Simmel, December 16, 1943

RG-24.23, A letter from William Menninger to Dr. Simmel, July 10, 1936

RG-24.24, A letter from Clinical Study Community in Berlin to the Colleagues, in German, signed by Sandor Rado, September 30, 1930

RG-24.25, A letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Dr. Simmel, January 14, 1947

RG-24.26, A letter from Dr. Hanns Sachs to Dr. Simmel, in German, November 23, 1941

RG-24.27, Membership dues owned by Judge Atwell Westwick, Psychoanalytic Group, LA, October 4, 1940

RG-24.28, A letter from Judge Westwick to Psychoanalytic Group, LA, October 5, 1940

RG-24.29, Correspondence between Dr. Tidd and Judge Westwick, membership, February 24 and March 18, 1941

RG-24.30, A letter from Dr. Zilboorg to Dr. Simmel, September 14, 1944

RG-24.31, A letter from Freud to Simmel, January 9, 1939

RG-24.32, A letter from Dr. Tidd to Dr. John Murray, August 9, 1940

RG-24.33, A letter from Dr. Tidd to Dr. Kubie, June 26, 1940

RG-24.34, A letter from Anna Freud to Dr. Lewy and Dr. Tidd, December 10, 1955

RG-24.35, A letter from Dr. Simmel to Hanns Sachs, November 18, 1941, in German

RG-24.36, A letter from John Murray to Dr. Tidd, July 9, 1940

RG-24.37, Abbrevitated Guide to Therapeutic Aims, the Menninger Sanitarium, June 23, 1937

RG-24.38, the Menninger sanitarium, Therapeutic aims, ca 1937

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Selected Correspondences between a Freudian Circle of Psychoanalysts, 1918-1950 | NCP-LA

By Dr. Vladimir Melamed

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Collection Overview

Title: Selected Correspondences between a Freudian Circle of Psychoanalysts, 1918-1950Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

Predominant Dates:1940s, 1950s

ID: RG-24/RG-24

Primary Creator: Dr. Vladimir Melamed (1980s -- 2020s)

Extent: 1.0 Boxes

Subjects: Abbreviated Guide to Therapeutic Aims, the Menningers, A business-like correspondence from the Menningers to Dr. Simmel, not a scholarly discourse, 1930s, A discourse by Dr. Glover of Freudian and Kleinian split in the UK, January, February 1944, A letter from Anna Freud to Dr. Lewy and Dr. Tidd, December 10, 1955, A letter from Anna Freud to Simmel, in German, April 1, 1940, A letter from Carey McWilliams to Dr. Simmel, December 16, 1943, A letter from Clinical Study Community in Berlin to the Colleagues, in German, September 30, 1930, A letter from Dr. Bernfeld to Dr. Brunswick, in English, October 15, 1937, A letter from Dr. Bertram Lewin to Dr. Tidd, July 18, 1940, A letter from Dr. Brill to Dr. Simmel, October 19, 1944, A letter from Dr. Fenichel to Margrit Libbin, April 4, 1938, A letter from Dr. Glover to Dr. Simmel, February 1944, A letter from Dr. Hanns Sachs to Dr. Ernst Lewy, in German, September 21, 1936, A letter from Dr. Hanns Sachs to Dr. Simmel, in German, November 23, 1941, A letter from Dr. Karen Horney to Dr. Emanuel Windholz, December 1, 1942, A letter from Dr. Karl Abraham to Dr. Simmel, English translation, December 15, 1918, A letter from Dr. Karl Abraham to Dr. Simmel in German, December 15, 1918, A letter from Dr. Simmel to Dr. Lewy, May 8, 1945, A letter from Dr. Simmel to Hanns Sachs, November 18, 1941, in German, A letter from Dr. Tidd to Dr. John Murray, August 9, 1940, A letter from Dr. Tidd to Dr. Kubie, June 26, 1940, A letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Dr. Simmel, January 14, 1947, A letter from Erik Erikson to Dr. Simmel, undated, A letter from Ernest Jones to Dr. Simmel, June 1, 1940, A letter from Ernest Jones to Dr. Simmel, September 25, 1947, A letter from John Murray to Dr. Tidd, July 9, 1940, A letter from Judge Westwick to Psychoanalytic Group, LA, October 5, 1940, A letter from Karl Menninger, Menninger Clinic to Dr. Simmel, June 23, 1933, A letter from Marie Bonaparte to Dr. Simmel, St. Tropez, July 13, 1946, A letter from Martha Freud to the LA Psychoanalytic Society, by Dr. Tidd, July 31, 1951, A letter from Otto Fenichel to Margrit Libbin, April 4, 1938, A letter from Princess Maria Bonaparte, St. Tropez, France to Dr. Simmel, July 13, 1946, A letter from Pryns Hopkins to Dr. Simmel, March 5, 1942, A letter from Sigmund Freud to Dr. Simmel, January 9, 1939, A letter from the office of Dr. Gitelson to Harvey Lewis, October 9, 1956, A letter from William Harriman to Dr. Simmel, October 12, 1947, A letter from William Menninger to Dr. Simmel, July 10, 1936, A letter from William Menninger to Dr. Simmel, June 24, 1937, A letter from William R. Harriman to Dr. Simmel, amicable content, 1947, Amicable content, letter from Erik Erikson to Dr. Simmel, ca 1940s, An interest in the social approach to Psychodynamics was a major theme linking Neo Freudians, Anna Freud, daughter of Sigmund Freud, psychoanalyst, scholar, Anna Freud, documents in the NCP-LA Archive, Anna Freud, Opinion on Psychoanalysis, discourse, Anna Freud, principles of psychoanalysis, loyalty to the original Theory, Anna Freud, Psychoanalysis is the Theory beyond the medical sphere, Anna Freud, Psychoanalysis shall embrace studies in sociology, history, religion, literature, Anna Freud, psychoanalyst, scholar, scientific theorist, Anna Freud, The Ego and the Mechanism of Defense, scientific work, Anna Freud, Theory of Psychoanalysis, Anna Freud, Truth is a guiding principle of Psychoanalysis, A probable meeting between Erik Erikson and Dr. Simmel, ca 1940s, letter from Erikson to Simmel, Carey McWilliam accepts service on the Board of Mental Hygiene with three month postponement, 1943, Carey  McWilliams, journalist, public figure, left-wing politicians, 1940s -- 1970s, Carl Rogers, Person-Centered Psychotherapy, Children psychoanalysis, discourse, Contemporary Freudians are distinct from the Kleinians, Contribution to Relief and Immigration Fund from LA Psychoanalytic Group, July 1940, Correspondence authored by Dr. Sandor Rado, 1930s, in German, Correspondence between Anna Freud and Dr. Simmel, in German, 1940s, Correspondence between Bertram Lewin and Dr. Tidd, 1940s, Correspondence between Carey McWilliams and Dr. Simmel, 1940s, Correspondence between Dr. Bernfeld and Dr. Brunswick, 1930s, Correspondence between Dr. Brill and Dr. Simmel, 1930s, 1940s, Correspondence between Dr. Edward Glover and Dr. Ernest Simmel, 1940s, Correspondence between Dr. Ernest Jones and Dr. Ernest Simmel, 1940s, Correspondence between Dr. Gitelson and Dr. Lewis, 1950s, Correspondence between Dr. Karl Abraham and Dr. Ernest Simmel, 1918 --1920s, Correspondence between Dr. Simmel and Dr. Lewy, 1930s, 1940s, Correspondence between Dr. Simmel and William R. Harriman, 1940s, Correspondence between Dr. Tidd and Judge Westwick, membership, February 24 and March 18,, Correspondence between Dr. William Menninger and Dr. Ernest Simmel, 1930s, 1940s, Correspondence between Eleanor Roosevelt and Dr. Simmel, 1940s, Correspondence between Ernest Simmel and Erik Erikson, Correspondence between Gregory Zilboorg and Dr. Simmel, 1940s, Correspondence between Hanns Sachs and Dr. Ernest Simmel in German, 1930s, 1940s, Correspondence between Karen Horney and Emanuel Windholz, 1940s, Correspondence between Martha Freud and the members of the LA Psychoanalytic Society, 1950s., Correspondence between Otto Fenichel and Margrit Libbin, 1930s, Correspondence between Pryns (Prynce) Hopkins and Dr. Simmel, 1940s, Correspondence between the Menninger Clinic and Dr. Simmel, 1930s, Correspondence between William Menninger and Dr. Simmel, 1930s, Correspondences between Marie Bonaparte and Dr. Simmel, 1930, 1940s, Documents from the NCP-LA Archive, Dr. Tidd, Documents from the NCP-LA Archive, Interview with Margrit Libbin (Munk), January 5, 1963, Documents from the NCP Archive, Dr. David Brunswick, Documents from the NCP Archive, Dr. Ernest Simmel, Documents from the NCP Archive, Dr. Fenichel, Documents of Bertram Lewin in the NCP-LA Archive, Documents of Carey McWilliams, journalist, public figure in the NCP-LA Archive, Documents of Dr. Bernfeld, NCP-LA Archive, Documents of Dr. Brill in the NCP-LA Archive, Documents of Dr. Edward Glover in the NCP-LA Archive, Documents of Dr. Ernest Jones in the NCP-LA Archive, Documents of Dr. Ernst Lewy in the NCP-LA Archive, Documents of Dr. Freud at the NCP-LA Archive, Documents of Dr. Gitelson in the NCP-LA Archive, Documents of Dr. Gregory Zilboorg in the NCP-LA Archive, Documents of Dr. Karl Abraham, NCP-LA Archive, Documents of Dr. Karl Menninger in NCP-LA Archive, Documents of Dr. Lewis in the NCP-LA Archive, Documents of Dr. Sandor Rado in the NCP-LA Archive, Documents of Eleanor Roosevelt in the NCP-LA Archive, Documents of Erik Erikson in the NCP - LA Archive, Documents of Hanns Sachs, NCP-LA Archive, Documents of Karen Horney in the NCP - LA Archive, Documents of Martha Freud in the NCP-LA Archive, Documents of Princess Marie Bonaparte in NCP-LA Archive, Documents of Pryns (Prynce) Hopkins in the NCP-LA Archive, Documents of the Menningers Clinic in NCP-LA Archive, Documents of William R. Harriman in the NCP-LA Archive, Dr. Brill, appreciation of the good wishes from Dr. Simmel sent through San Francisco Society, Dr. Douglas Campbell, psychoanalyst, Dr. Edward Glover conveys a message of  resigning his membership of the British Society to Simmel, Dr. Edward Glover in opposition to influence of Melanie Klein since 1934, Dr. Emanuel Windholz, psychoanalyst, Dr. Ernest Jones reviews the Dr. Simmel's work on Antisemitism, September 1947, Dr. Ernest Simmel, scholar, President of Psychoanalytic Study Group, 1935 -- 1943, Dr. Ernst Lewy, Director of the Institute and the Dean of the Training School, 1948 and later, Dr. Fenichel works by invitation with Los Angeles psychiatric service, letter from Simmel to Lewy, Dr. Glover argues that he had only dissociate himself from the Society under given circumstances, Dr. Glover elicits the conclusion of the split between the Freudian group and the Kleinians, 1944, Dr. Glover elucidates that he personally chriticized Kleinian theories for ten years, Dr. Glover regards that under the present system of training the Society will follow Kleinians, Dr. Karl Abraham, scholar of Psychoanalysis, symbolism and a theorist in interdisciplinary studies, Dr. Karl Abraham intends to send the monetary award to Dr. Simmel, December 1918, Dr. Karl Abraham notifies Dr. Simmel about the award from Barozy Foundation, 1918, Dr. Sandor Rado, psychoanalyst, scholar, Dr. Simmel, discourse of the future of psychoanalysis in America, letter to Dr. Lewy, May 8, 1945, Dr. Simmel, personal discourse, How I can get away from here, letter to Dr. Lewy, Dr. Simmel, perspective for lay non-licensed analyst has no future in America, letter to Dr. Lewy, Dr. Simmel, reflections on his past works, letter to Dr. Lewy, May 1945, Dr. Simmel contributed to the organization of the Los Angeles Psychiatric  Rehabilitation Clinic, Dr. Simmel invites Carey McWilliams to serve on the Council of Mental Hygiene, 1943, Dr. Simmel sent a copy of his book Antisemitism A Social Disease to Eleanor Roosevelt, 1946, Dr. Simmel works by invitation with official Los Angeles psychiatric service, letter to Dr. Lewy May, Dr. William Menninger, documents in the NCP-LA Archive, Dr. Zilboorg confirms receipt of Dr. Simmel's publications, 1944, Drive Psychology, theory, modern, Drive Theory in Psychoanalysis relates to motivations and instincts that have clear objects, Ego Psychology, theory, modern, Eleanor Roosevelt appreciates Dr. Simmel book Antisemitism A Social Disease, January 1947, Emergency Committee on Relief and Immigration of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 1940s, Ernest Jones, Antisemitism is caused by the feelings that Jews are apart, disloyal, inimical, etc., Ernest Jones, Discourse of Jewish - Gentile relations, Ernest Jones, dramatic geopolitical situation, Battle for England, June 1940, Ernest Jones, reference to the Freud family in England, in the letter to Simmel, June 1, 1940, Ernest Jones, synthesis Gentile and Jews, discourse and comparison of the work of Dr. Simmel, 1947, Ernest Jones, the Jewish Otherness in his opinion is a main cause of Antisemitism 1947, Ernest Jones believes that Antisemitism conveys the actual Jewish dimension, letter to Simmel, Ernest Jones believes that Antisemitism is not confined to the Gentile complexes, letter to Simmel, Ernest Jones expressed hope for American actual help in the war with Nazi Germany, June 1940, Ernest Jones regards that Zionism exacerbates Antisemitism in the 20th century in a letter to Simmel, Ernest Jones regards the Jew represents the bad dangerous object inside oneself, to Simmel a letter, Ernest Jones writes about in a difference of approach from a Gentile and Jewish perspectives, 1947, Exemplification of Contemporary Freudians, Christopher Bollas, D.W. Winnicott, Adam Phillps, Frances Deri to the 60th Birthday of Anna Freud, December 1955, Freud about him realizing of not many friends of his in America and elsewhere, January 9, 1939, Freud extrapolated Psychodynamics to describe the processes of the mind, Freudian minority in the British Psychoanalytic Society, Dr. Edward Glover, 1944, Freudian principles of Psychoanalysis, Dr. Edward Glover, Freud ironically alludes to the progress of Psychoanalysis in California, January 1939, Freud thanks Simmel for the New Year wishes of 1939, January 9, 1939, Freud values tenacity of Simmel's friendship, January 1939, Friendship between Sigmund Freud and Ernest Simmel, 1920s -- 1930s, Gregory Zilboorg, psychoanalyst and historian of psychiatry, Hanns Sachs, Austrian psychoanalyst and doctor of law, scholar, Heinz Kohut, Founder of Psychology of Self, Heinz Kohut, The self is like all reality not knowable it its essence, 1977, How Freud approaches a prospective naming a sanitarium in Los Angeles after him, January 1939, In Jone's opinion, Simmel accented on the religion while Jones emphasized national or racial traits, Jones - Freud controversy, 1930s, Karen Horney, Neo-Freudian Circle, discourse, Karen Horney, Neo Freudian theories, discourse, 1940s, 1950s, Karen Horney, reference to Douglas Campbell, in the letter to Dr. Windholz, 1942, Karen Horney, scholar, psychoanalyst, Neo-Freudian theorist, 1930s - 1950s, Karl Menninger, a business deal language of the letter to Dr. Simmel, June 23, 1933, Karl Menninger, financial and English language priorities, impertinence to Psychoanalysis, Kleinian theory of children psychoanalysis, discourse, Letter on behalf of Clinical Study Community of Berlin, penned by Sandor Rado, September 30, 1930, Marie Bonaparte, reference to Dr. Simmel work on War Neuroses, letter to Simmel, July 13, 1946, Marie Bonaparte, reflections on Dr. Simmel's works, letter to Simmel, July 13, 194, Marie Bonaparte, visit to America, East Coast, ca 1946, letter to Simmel, July 13, 1946, Martha Freud, a letter to Dr. Tidd with appreciation for birthday gifts and wishes, July 31, 1951, Martha Freud, appreciation for the birthday gifts and wishes from the LA Psychoanalytic Society 1951, Martha Freud, the 90th Birthday, Congratulations from the LA Psychoanalytic Society, 1951, Martha Freud thanks for a shower of stockings and good wishes to the members of LA Society, 1951, Membership dues owned by Judge Atwell Westwick, Psychoanalytic Group, LA, October 4, 1940, Monetary award of the prize amounts to 300 Kronen or 267 Marks, 1918, Object relations Psychology, theory, modern, Otto Fenichel, appreciation to the colleagues in Los Angeles in regard to  immigration arrangement, Otto Fenichel, his contract and visa to America, support by Simmel, Deri, Margrit Libbin, 1938, Otto Fenichel, preparation for emigration from Czechoslovakia to America, 1938, Otto Fenichel delineated a comprehensive theoretical critique of the Neo Freudians, Professional training, recommendations, APA, 1930s, Pryns (Prynce) Hopkins, anti-war activities, Pryns (Prynce) Hopkins, editor of journal Freedom and Unity, 1940s, Pryns (Prynce) Hopkins, letter to Dr. Simmel, amicable content, March 5, 1942, Pryns(Prynce) Hopkins, scholar, pacifist, public figure, Psychiatric principles of the Menninger Sanitarium, a psychiatric institution, 1930s, 1940s, Psychodynamics correlates  relations between conscious motivation and unconscious motivation, Psychodynamics is an approach emphasizing systematic study of psychological forces of human behavior, Relations between Pryns (Prynce) Hopkins and Dr. Simmel, 1940s, RG-24.30, A letter from Dr. Zilborg to Dr. Simmel, September 14, 1944, RG-24.31, A letter from Freud to Simmel, January 9, 1939, Sandor Rado, works on adaptational psychodynamics, Self Psychology, theory, modern, Space between social and political theory and psychoanalysis, nowadays theorists, The British Psychoanalytic Society has deviated from Freudian principles, by Dr. Edward Glover, 1944, The Menninger Clinic, medical, therapeutic and psychoanalytic structure, 1930s, 1940s, The Menninger Clinic, psychiatry oriented, psychoanalysis in latent state, 1930s, 1940s, The Menningers, business was a prevailing feature of their institution, 1930s, 1940s, The Menninger Sanitarium, intentions to integrate a psychoanalytic component, only intentions, the Menninger sanitarium, Therapeutic aims, The Menningers inquire  offering to Dr. Simmel a position in the Menninger Clinic, 1933, Theories of Antisemitism, discourse in publications and public opinions, Theories of Psychoanalysis, modern psychological applications, Theory of Antisemitism, Ernest Jones, 1947, Theory of Antisemitism, Ernest Simmel, 1936, Theory of Psychoanalysis, Dr. Bernfeld, Theory of Psychoanalysis, Dr. Brunswick, Theory of Psychoanalysis, Dr. Edward Glover, Theory of Psychoanalysis, Dr. Ernest Simmel, Theory of Psychoanalysis, Dr. Karl Abraham, Theory of Psychoanalysis, Dr. Sandor Rado, Theory of Psychoanalysis, Hanns Sachs, Therapeutic aims, a directive of treatment at the Menninger Clinic, 1936, Two awards from the Barozy Foundation shared by Dr. Abraham and Dr. Simmel, War Neuroses, 1918, Two letters from Dr. Simmel to Dr. Lewy, May 8, 1945, William R. Harriman worries about the health of Dr. Simmel, October 1947, in a letter, Writings of Dr. Sandor Rado, 1920s -- 1940s

Languages: German, English


This Collection presents a selected correspondences between the scholars and public figures related to a Freudian Circle of thought. Overall the exchange of narratives reflects on the Theory of Psychoanalysis, on administrative matters also related to practical application of Psycho Analysis and on personal subjects as well. Additionally, this collection comprises correspondences of birthday greeting, reciprocal letters of appreciation and several medical guides of the Menninger Clinic in Topeka.

All in all, this collection represents among the other valuable narratives, the correspondences penned by the dignitaries of Psycho Analytic world, for example Sigmund Freud and Anna Freud and the esteemed public figure, Princess Marie Bonaparte.

Scope and Contents of the Materials

A collection of forty documents, largely official and personal correspondences.

This Collection comprises correspondences between the scholars of a Freudian Circle over the time-period between 1918 and 1950s. The content of these correspondences is largely scientific, while the tone is friendly and amicable. The content reflects scientific discourses including discussions as well as informative and appreciation messages.

The following psychoanalysts, scholars and public figures are the correspondents of the given collection: Dr. Ernst Simmel, Dr. Karl Abraham, Dr. Hanns Sachs, Dr. Bernfeld, Dr. Brunswick, Princess Marie Bonaparte, Dr. Brill, Dr. Karl Menninger, Dr. William Menninger, Dr. Fenichel, Margrit Libbin, Marth Freud, Dr. Anna Freud, Dr. Sigmund Freud, Dr. Erikson, William Harriman, Pryns Hopkins, Dr. Karen Horney, Dr. Windholz, Dr. Ernest Jones, Dr. Bertram Lewin, Carey McWilliams, Eleanor Roosevelt, Judge Westwick, Dr. Tidd, Dr. Zilborg, Dr. Murray, Dr. Kubie, Dr. Lewy, Frances Deri.

Collection Historical Note

Correspondences of this Collection reflect on the state of Psycho Analysis over the period from the rise of the new Science to its practical application into psychological and medical practice as well on the ramifications of the Theory of Psychoanalysis. The language of correspondences is German and English.

These narrative in the form of correspondences or in some instances of the documents attached to the letters are imbued by Freudian conceptions and ideas. A circle of the second generation of Freudian scholars further deepened the Theory of Psychoanalysis, although eliciting the new paradigms and conceptions.

The following documents of this Collection therin epitomize the interrelations in a Freudian Circle of scholars.

RG-24.01, A letter from Dr. Karl Abraham to Dr. Simmel, English translation, December 15, 1918

RG-24.02, A letter from Dr. Karl Abraham to Dr. Simmel, in German, December 15, 1918

RG-24.03, A letter from Dr. Hanns Sachs to Dr. Ernst Lewy, in German, September 21, 1936

RG-24.04, A letter from Dr. Bernfeld to Dr. Brunswick, in English, October 15, 1937

RG-24.05, A letter from Princess Maria Bonaparte, St. Tropez, France to Dr. Simmel, July 13, 1946

RG-24.06, A letter from Dr. Brill to Dr. Simmel, October 19, 1944

RG-24.07, A letter from Karl Menninger, Menninger Clinic to Dr. Simmel, June 23, 1933

RG-24.08, A letter from William Menninger to Dr. Simmel, June 24, 1937

RG-24.09, A letter from Dr. Fenichel to Margrit Libbin, April 4, 1938

RG-24.10, A letter from Anna Freud to Simmel, in German, April 1, 1940

RG-24.11, A letter from Martha Freud to the LA Psychoanalytic Society, by Dr. Tidd, July 31, 1951

RG-24.12, A letter from the office of Dr. Gitelson to Harvey Lewis, October 9, 1956

RG-24.13, A discourse by Dr. Glover of Freudian and Kleinian split in the UK, January, February 1944

RG-24.14, Two letters from Dr. Simmel to Dr. Lewy, May 8, 1945

RG-24.15, A letter from Erik Erikson to Dr. Simmel, undated

RG-24.16, A letter from William Harriman to Dr. Simmel, October 12, 1947

RG-24.17, A letter from Pryns Hopkins to Dr. Simmel, March 5, 1942

RG-24.18, A letter from Dr. Karen Horney to Dr. Emanuel Windholz, December 1, 1942

RG-24.19, A letter from Ernst Jones to Dr. Simmel, June 1, 1940

RG-24.20, A letter from Ernest Jones to Dr. Simmel, September 25, 1947

RG-24.21, A letter from Dr. Bertram Lewin to Dr. Tidd, July 18, 1940

RG-24.22, A letter from Carey McWilliams to Dr. Simmel, December 16, 1943

RG-24.23, A letter from William Menninger to Dr. Simmel, July 10, 1936

RG-24.24, A letter from Clinical Study Community in Berlin to the Colleagues, in German, September 30, 1930

RG-24.25, A letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Dr. Simmel, January 14, 1947

RG-24.26, A letter from Dr. Hanns Sachs to Dr. Simmel, in German, November 23, 1941

RG-24.27, Membership dues owned by Judge Atwell Westwick, Psychoanalytic Group, LA, October 4, 1940

RG-24.28, A letter from Judge Westwick to Psychoanalytic Group, LA, October 5, 1940

RG-24.29, Correspondence between Dr. Tidd and Judge Westwick, membership, February 24 and March 18, 1941

RG-24.30, A letter from Dr. Zilborg to Dr. Simmel, September 14, 1944

RG-24.31, A letter from Freud to Simmel, January 9, 1939

RG-24.32, A letter from Dr. Tidd to Dr. John Murray, August 9, 1940

RG-24.33, A letter from Dr. Tidd to Dr. Kubie, June 26, 1940

RG-24.34, A letter from Anna Freud to Dr. Lewy and Dr. Tidd, December 12, 1955

RG-24.35, A letter from Dr. Simmel to Hanns Sachs, November 18, 1941, in German

RG-24.36, A letter from John Murray to Dr. Tidd, July 9, 1940

RG-24.37, Abbreviated Guide to Therapeutic Aims, the Menningers

RG-24.38, the Menninger sanitarium, Therapeutic aims

RG-24.39, Professional training, recommendations, APA, 1930s

RG-24.40, Frances Deri to the 60th Birthday of Anna Freud, December 1955

Biographical Note

Dr. Vladimir Melamed, Historian, Professor of Ethno-Political and Ethno-National Studies, specializes on the interwar history of Poland and Eastern Europe.

Sphere of interests: Philosophy, History, Psychoanalysis

Subject/Index Terms

Abbreviated Guide to Therapeutic Aims, the Menningers
A business-like correspondence from the Menningers to Dr. Simmel, not a scholarly discourse, 1930s
A discourse by Dr. Glover of Freudian and Kleinian split in the UK, January, February 1944
A letter from Anna Freud to Dr. Lewy and Dr. Tidd, December 10, 1955
A letter from Anna Freud to Simmel, in German, April 1, 1940
A letter from Carey McWilliams to Dr. Simmel, December 16, 1943
A letter from Clinical Study Community in Berlin to the Colleagues, in German, September 30, 1930
A letter from Dr. Bernfeld to Dr. Brunswick, in English, October 15, 1937
A letter from Dr. Bertram Lewin to Dr. Tidd, July 18, 1940
A letter from Dr. Brill to Dr. Simmel, October 19, 1944
A letter from Dr. Fenichel to Margrit Libbin, April 4, 1938
A letter from Dr. Glover to Dr. Simmel, February 1944
A letter from Dr. Hanns Sachs to Dr. Ernst Lewy, in German, September 21, 1936
A letter from Dr. Hanns Sachs to Dr. Simmel, in German, November 23, 1941
A letter from Dr. Karen Horney to Dr. Emanuel Windholz, December 1, 1942
A letter from Dr. Karl Abraham to Dr. Simmel, English translation, December 15, 1918
A letter from Dr. Karl Abraham to Dr. Simmel in German, December 15, 1918
A letter from Dr. Simmel to Dr. Lewy, May 8, 1945
A letter from Dr. Simmel to Hanns Sachs, November 18, 1941, in German
A letter from Dr. Tidd to Dr. John Murray, August 9, 1940
A letter from Dr. Tidd to Dr. Kubie, June 26, 1940
A letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Dr. Simmel, January 14, 1947
A letter from Erik Erikson to Dr. Simmel, undated
A letter from Ernest Jones to Dr. Simmel, June 1, 1940
A letter from Ernest Jones to Dr. Simmel, September 25, 1947
A letter from John Murray to Dr. Tidd, July 9, 1940
A letter from Judge Westwick to Psychoanalytic Group, LA, October 5, 1940
A letter from Karl Menninger, Menninger Clinic to Dr. Simmel, June 23, 1933
A letter from Marie Bonaparte to Dr. Simmel, St. Tropez, July 13, 1946
A letter from Martha Freud to the LA Psychoanalytic Society, by Dr. Tidd, July 31, 1951
A letter from Otto Fenichel to Margrit Libbin, April 4, 1938
A letter from Princess Maria Bonaparte, St. Tropez, France to Dr. Simmel, July 13, 1946
A letter from Pryns Hopkins to Dr. Simmel, March 5, 1942
A letter from Sigmund Freud to Dr. Simmel, January 9, 1939
A letter from the office of Dr. Gitelson to Harvey Lewis, October 9, 1956
A letter from William Harriman to Dr. Simmel, October 12, 1947
A letter from William Menninger to Dr. Simmel, July 10, 1936
A letter from William Menninger to Dr. Simmel, June 24, 1937
A letter from William R. Harriman to Dr. Simmel, amicable content, 1947
Amicable content, letter from Erik Erikson to Dr. Simmel, ca 1940s
An interest in the social approach to Psychodynamics was a major theme linking Neo Freudians
Anna Freud, daughter of Sigmund Freud, psychoanalyst, scholar
Anna Freud, documents in the NCP-LA Archive
Anna Freud, Opinion on Psychoanalysis, discourse
Anna Freud, principles of psychoanalysis, loyalty to the original Theory
Anna Freud, Psychoanalysis is the Theory beyond the medical sphere
Anna Freud, Psychoanalysis shall embrace studies in sociology, history, religion, literature
Anna Freud, psychoanalyst, scholar, scientific theorist
Anna Freud, The Ego and the Mechanism of Defense, scientific work
Anna Freud, Theory of Psychoanalysis
Anna Freud, Truth is a guiding principle of Psychoanalysis
A probable meeting between Erik Erikson and Dr. Simmel, ca 1940s, letter from Erikson to Simmel
Carey McWilliam accepts service on the Board of Mental Hygiene with three month postponement, 1943
Carey  McWilliams, journalist, public figure, left-wing politicians, 1940s -- 1970s
Carl Rogers, Person-Centered Psychotherapy
Children psychoanalysis, discourse
Contemporary Freudians are distinct from the Kleinians
Contribution to Relief and Immigration Fund from LA Psychoanalytic Group, July 1940
Correspondence authored by Dr. Sandor Rado, 1930s, in German
Correspondence between Anna Freud and Dr. Simmel, in German, 1940s
Correspondence between Bertram Lewin and Dr. Tidd, 1940s
Correspondence between Carey McWilliams and Dr. Simmel, 1940s
Correspondence between Dr. Bernfeld and Dr. Brunswick, 1930s
Correspondence between Dr. Brill and Dr. Simmel, 1930s, 1940s
Correspondence between Dr. Edward Glover and Dr. Ernest Simmel, 1940s
Correspondence between Dr. Ernest Jones and Dr. Ernest Simmel, 1940s
Correspondence between Dr. Gitelson and Dr. Lewis, 1950s
Correspondence between Dr. Karl Abraham and Dr. Ernest Simmel, 1918 --1920s
Correspondence between Dr. Simmel and Dr. Lewy, 1930s, 1940s
Correspondence between Dr. Simmel and William R. Harriman, 1940s
Correspondence between Dr. Tidd and Judge Westwick, membership, February 24 and March 18,
Correspondence between Dr. William Menninger and Dr. Ernest Simmel, 1930s, 1940s
Correspondence between Eleanor Roosevelt and Dr. Simmel, 1940s
Correspondence between Ernest Simmel and Erik Erikson
Correspondence between Gregory Zilboorg and Dr. Simmel, 1940s
Correspondence between Hanns Sachs and Dr. Ernest Simmel in German, 1930s, 1940s
Correspondence between Karen Horney and Emanuel Windholz, 1940s
Correspondence between Martha Freud and the members of the LA Psychoanalytic Society, 1950s.
Correspondence between Otto Fenichel and Margrit Libbin, 1930s
Correspondence between Pryns (Prynce) Hopkins and Dr. Simmel, 1940s
Correspondence between the Menninger Clinic and Dr. Simmel, 1930s
Correspondence between William Menninger and Dr. Simmel, 1930s
Correspondences between Marie Bonaparte and Dr. Simmel, 1930, 1940s
Documents from the NCP-LA Archive, Dr. Tidd
Documents from the NCP-LA Archive, Interview with Margrit Libbin (Munk), January 5, 1963
Documents from the NCP Archive, Dr. David Brunswick
Documents from the NCP Archive, Dr. Ernest Simmel
Documents from the NCP Archive, Dr. Fenichel
Documents of Bertram Lewin in the NCP-LA Archive
Documents of Carey McWilliams, journalist, public figure in the NCP-LA Archive
Documents of Dr. Bernfeld, NCP-LA Archive
Documents of Dr. Brill in the NCP-LA Archive
Documents of Dr. Edward Glover in the NCP-LA Archive
Documents of Dr. Ernest Jones in the NCP-LA Archive
Documents of Dr. Ernst Lewy in the NCP-LA Archive
Documents of Dr. Freud at the NCP-LA Archive
Documents of Dr. Gitelson in the NCP-LA Archive
Documents of Dr. Gregory Zilboorg in the NCP-LA Archive
Documents of Dr. Karl Abraham, NCP-LA Archive
Documents of Dr. Karl Menninger in NCP-LA Archive
Documents of Dr. Lewis in the NCP-LA Archive
Documents of Dr. Sandor Rado in the NCP-LA Archive
Documents of Eleanor Roosevelt in the NCP-LA Archive
Documents of Erik Erikson in the NCP - LA Archive
Documents of Hanns Sachs, NCP-LA Archive
Documents of Karen Horney in the NCP - LA Archive
Documents of Martha Freud in the NCP-LA Archive
Documents of Princess Marie Bonaparte in NCP-LA Archive
Documents of Pryns (Prynce) Hopkins in the NCP-LA Archive
Documents of the Menningers Clinic in NCP-LA Archive
Documents of William R. Harriman in the NCP-LA Archive
Dr. Brill, appreciation of the good wishes from Dr. Simmel sent through San Francisco Society
Dr. Douglas Campbell, psychoanalyst
Dr. Edward Glover conveys a message of  resigning his membership of the British Society to Simmel
Dr. Edward Glover in opposition to influence of Melanie Klein since 1934
Dr. Emanuel Windholz, psychoanalyst
Dr. Ernest Jones reviews the Dr. Simmel's work on Antisemitism, September 1947
Dr. Ernest Simmel, scholar, President of Psychoanalytic Study Group, 1935 -- 1943
Dr. Ernst Lewy, Director of the Institute and the Dean of the Training School, 1948 and later
Dr. Fenichel works by invitation with Los Angeles psychiatric service, letter from Simmel to Lewy
Dr. Glover argues that he had only dissociate himself from the Society under given circumstances
Dr. Glover elicits the conclusion of the split between the Freudian group and the Kleinians, 1944
Dr. Glover elucidates that he personally chriticized Kleinian theories for ten years
Dr. Glover regards that under the present system of training the Society will follow Kleinians
Dr. Karl Abraham, scholar of Psychoanalysis, symbolism and a theorist in interdisciplinary studies
Dr. Karl Abraham intends to send the monetary award to Dr. Simmel, December 1918
Dr. Karl Abraham notifies Dr. Simmel about the award from Barozy Foundation, 1918
Dr. Sandor Rado, psychoanalyst, scholar
Dr. Simmel, discourse of the future of psychoanalysis in America, letter to Dr. Lewy, May 8, 1945
Dr. Simmel, personal discourse, How I can get away from here, letter to Dr. Lewy
Dr. Simmel, perspective for lay non-licensed analyst has no future in America, letter to Dr. Lewy
Dr. Simmel, reflections on his past works, letter to Dr. Lewy, May 1945
Dr. Simmel contributed to the organization of the Los Angeles Psychiatric  Rehabilitation Clinic
Dr. Simmel invites Carey McWilliams to serve on the Council of Mental Hygiene, 1943
Dr. Simmel sent a copy of his book Antisemitism A Social Disease to Eleanor Roosevelt, 1946
Dr. Simmel works by invitation with official Los Angeles psychiatric service, letter to Dr. Lewy May
Dr. William Menninger, documents in the NCP-LA Archive
Dr. Zilboorg confirms receipt of Dr. Simmel's publications, 1944
Drive Psychology, theory, modern
Drive Theory in Psychoanalysis relates to motivations and instincts that have clear objects
Ego Psychology, theory, modern
Eleanor Roosevelt appreciates Dr. Simmel book Antisemitism A Social Disease, January 1947
Emergency Committee on Relief and Immigration of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 1940s
Ernest Jones, Antisemitism is caused by the feelings that Jews are apart, disloyal, inimical, etc.
Ernest Jones, Discourse of Jewish - Gentile relations
Ernest Jones, dramatic geopolitical situation, Battle for England, June 1940
Ernest Jones, reference to the Freud family in England, in the letter to Simmel, June 1, 1940
Ernest Jones, synthesis Gentile and Jews, discourse and comparison of the work of Dr. Simmel, 1947
Ernest Jones, the Jewish Otherness in his opinion is a main cause of Antisemitism 1947
Ernest Jones believes that Antisemitism conveys the actual Jewish dimension, letter to Simmel
Ernest Jones believes that Antisemitism is not confined to the Gentile complexes, letter to Simmel
Ernest Jones expressed hope for American actual help in the war with Nazi Germany, June 1940
Ernest Jones regards that Zionism exacerbates Antisemitism in the 20th century in a letter to Simmel
Ernest Jones regards the Jew represents the bad dangerous object inside oneself, to Simmel a letter
Ernest Jones writes about in a difference of approach from a Gentile and Jewish perspectives, 1947
Exemplification of Contemporary Freudians, Christopher Bollas, D.W. Winnicott, Adam Phillps
Frances Deri to the 60th Birthday of Anna Freud, December 1955
Freud about him realizing of not many friends of his in America and elsewhere, January 9, 1939
Freud extrapolated Psychodynamics to describe the processes of the mind
Freudian minority in the British Psychoanalytic Society, Dr. Edward Glover, 1944
Freudian principles of Psychoanalysis, Dr. Edward Glover
Freud ironically alludes to the progress of Psychoanalysis in California, January 1939
Freud thanks Simmel for the New Year wishes of 1939, January 9, 1939
Freud values tenacity of Simmel's friendship, January 1939
Friendship between Sigmund Freud and Ernest Simmel, 1920s -- 1930s
Gregory Zilboorg, psychoanalyst and historian of psychiatry
Hanns Sachs, Austrian psychoanalyst and doctor of law, scholar
Heinz Kohut, Founder of Psychology of Self
Heinz Kohut, The self is like all reality not knowable it its essence, 1977
How Freud approaches a prospective naming a sanitarium in Los Angeles after him, January 1939
In Jone's opinion, Simmel accented on the religion while Jones emphasized national or racial traits
Jones - Freud controversy, 1930s
Karen Horney, Neo-Freudian Circle, discourse
Karen Horney, Neo Freudian theories, discourse, 1940s, 1950s
Karen Horney, reference to Douglas Campbell, in the letter to Dr. Windholz, 1942
Karen Horney, scholar, psychoanalyst, Neo-Freudian theorist, 1930s - 1950s
Karl Menninger, a business deal language of the letter to Dr. Simmel, June 23, 1933
Karl Menninger, financial and English language priorities, impertinence to Psychoanalysis
Kleinian theory of children psychoanalysis, discourse
Letter on behalf of Clinical Study Community of Berlin, penned by Sandor Rado, September 30, 1930
Marie Bonaparte, reference to Dr. Simmel work on War Neuroses, letter to Simmel, July 13, 1946
Marie Bonaparte, reflections on Dr. Simmel's works, letter to Simmel, July 13, 194
Marie Bonaparte, visit to America, East Coast, ca 1946, letter to Simmel, July 13, 1946
Martha Freud, a letter to Dr. Tidd with appreciation for birthday gifts and wishes, July 31, 1951
Martha Freud, appreciation for the birthday gifts and wishes from the LA Psychoanalytic Society 1951
Martha Freud, the 90th Birthday, Congratulations from the LA Psychoanalytic Society, 1951
Martha Freud thanks for a shower of stockings and good wishes to the members of LA Society, 1951
Membership dues owned by Judge Atwell Westwick, Psychoanalytic Group, LA, October 4, 1940
Monetary award of the prize amounts to 300 Kronen or 267 Marks, 1918
Object relations Psychology, theory, modern
Otto Fenichel, appreciation to the colleagues in Los Angeles in regard to  immigration arrangement
Otto Fenichel, his contract and visa to America, support by Simmel, Deri, Margrit Libbin, 1938
Otto Fenichel, preparation for emigration from Czechoslovakia to America, 1938
Otto Fenichel delineated a comprehensive theoretical critique of the Neo Freudians
Professional training, recommendations, APA, 1930s
Pryns (Prynce) Hopkins, anti-war activities
Pryns (Prynce) Hopkins, editor of journal Freedom and Unity, 1940s
Pryns (Prynce) Hopkins, letter to Dr. Simmel, amicable content, March 5, 1942
Pryns(Prynce) Hopkins, scholar, pacifist, public figure
Psychiatric principles of the Menninger Sanitarium, a psychiatric institution, 1930s, 1940s
Psychodynamics correlates  relations between conscious motivation and unconscious motivation
Psychodynamics is an approach emphasizing systematic study of psychological forces of human behavior
Relations between Pryns (Prynce) Hopkins and Dr. Simmel, 1940s
RG-24.30, A letter from Dr. Zilborg to Dr. Simmel, September 14, 1944
RG-24.31, A letter from Freud to Simmel, January 9, 1939
Sandor Rado, works on adaptational psychodynamics
Self Psychology, theory, modern
Space between social and political theory and psychoanalysis, nowadays theorists
The British Psychoanalytic Society has deviated from Freudian principles, by Dr. Edward Glover, 1944
The Menninger Clinic, medical, therapeutic and psychoanalytic structure, 1930s, 1940s
The Menninger Clinic, psychiatry oriented, psychoanalysis in latent state, 1930s, 1940s
The Menningers, business was a prevailing feature of their institution, 1930s, 1940s
The Menninger Sanitarium, intentions to integrate a psychoanalytic component, only intentions
the Menninger sanitarium, Therapeutic aims
The Menningers inquire  offering to Dr. Simmel a position in the Menninger Clinic, 1933
Theories of Antisemitism, discourse in publications and public opinions
Theories of Psychoanalysis, modern psychological applications
Theory of Antisemitism, Ernest Jones, 1947
Theory of Antisemitism, Ernest Simmel, 1936
Theory of Psychoanalysis, Dr. Bernfeld
Theory of Psychoanalysis, Dr. Brunswick
Theory of Psychoanalysis, Dr. Edward Glover
Theory of Psychoanalysis, Dr. Ernest Simmel
Theory of Psychoanalysis, Dr. Karl Abraham
Theory of Psychoanalysis, Dr. Sandor Rado
Theory of Psychoanalysis, Hanns Sachs
Therapeutic aims, a directive of treatment at the Menninger Clinic, 1936
Two awards from the Barozy Foundation shared by Dr. Abraham and Dr. Simmel, War Neuroses, 1918
Two letters from Dr. Simmel to Dr. Lewy, May 8, 1945
William R. Harriman worries about the health of Dr. Simmel, October 1947, in a letter
Writings of Dr. Sandor Rado, 1920s -- 1940s

Administrative Information

Repository: NCP-LA

Access Restrictions: For research and teaching

Use Restrictions: New Center for Psychoanalysis, Los Angeles

Physical Access Note: Digital copies are available. Original documents are in preservation

Acquisition Source: The Historic Committee for Psychoanalytic Society and Institute, Los Angeles

Acquisition Method: The Historic Committee Collections' notes and original documents

Processing Information: Cataloguing, indexing, content analysis

Finding Aid Revision History: Subjet-matter research in historical connotation

Other Note:

RG -- 24, Selected Correspondences between the Freudian Circle of Psychoanalysts, 1918 -- 1950s

RG-24.01, A letter from Dr. Karl Abraham to Dr. Simmel, English translation, December 15, 1918


Dr. Karl Abraham, scholar in Psychoanalysis, Linguistics and Symbolism


Correspondence between Dr. Karl Abraham and Dr. Ernst Simmel, 1918 --1920s

Dr. Karl Abraham, scholar of Psychoanalysis, symbolism and a theorist in interdisciplinary studies

A letter from Dr. Karl Abraham to Dr. Simmel, English translation, December 15, 1918

Dr. Karl Abraham notifies Dr. Simmel about the award from Barozy Foundation, 1918

Two awards from the Barozy Foundation shared by Dr. Abraham and Dr. Simmel, War Neuroses, 1918

Monetary award of the prize amounts to 300 Kronen or 267 Marks, 1918

Dr. Karl Abraham intends to send the monetary award to Dr. Simmel, December 1918

Theory of Psychoanalysis, Dr. Karl Abraham

Theory of Psychoanalysis, Dr. Ernst Simmel

Documents of Dr. Karl Abraham, NCP-LA Archive

Documents from the NCP Archive, Dr. Ernst Simmel

RG-24.02, A letter from Dr. Karl Abraham to Dr. Simmel, in German, December 15, 1918

RG-24.03, A letter from Dr. Hanns Sachs to Dr. Ernst Lewy, in German, September 21, 1936


Hanns Sachs, Austrian psychoanalyst and doctor of low (1881 --1947)


A letter from Dr. Hanns Sachs to Dr. Ernst Lewy, in German, September 21, 1936

Hanns Sachs, Austrian psychoanalyst and doctor of low, scholar

Correspondence between Hans Sachs and Dr. Ernst Lewy in German, 1930s, 1940s

Theory of Psychoanalysis, Hanns Sachs

Theory of Psychoanalysis, Dr. Ernst Simmel

Documents of Hanns Sachs, NCP-LA Archive

Documents from the NCP Archive, Dr. Ernst Simmel

RG-24.04, A letter from Dr. Bernfeld to Dr. Brunswick, in English, October 15, 1937


Dr. Siegfried Bernfeld, psychoanalyst, scholar (1892 -- 1953)


Correspondence between Dr. Bernfeld and Dr. Brunswick, 1930s

A letter from Dr. Bernfeld to Dr. Brunswick, in English, October 15, 1937

Theory of Psychoanalysis, Dr. Bernfeld

Theory of Psychoanalysis, Dr. Brunswick

Documents of Dr. Bernfeld, NCP-LA Archive

Documents from the NCP Archive, Dr. David Brunswick

RG-24.05, A letter from Princess Maria Bonaparte, St. Tropez, France to Dr. Simmel, July 13, 1946

St. Tropez

July 13, 1946

Dear Dr. Simmel,

I here read with great interest the papers you had sent me and which I took over here to study them in peace.

Your conclusions on the war neuroses-neuroses are highly elucidative.


Princess Marie Bonaparte


Correspondences between Marie Bonaparte and Dr. Simmel, 1930, 1940s

A letter from Marie Bonaparte to Dr. Simmel, St. Tropez, July 13, 1946

Marie Bonaparte, reference to Dr. Simmel work on War Neuroses, letter to Simmel, July 13, 1946

Marie Bonaparte, reflections on Dr. Simmel's works, letter to Simmel, July 13, 1946

Marie Bonaparte, visit to America, East Coast, ca 1946, letter to Simmel, July 13, 1946

Documents of Princess Marie Bonaparte in NCP-LA Archive

Documents from the NCP Archive, Dr. Ernst Simmel

RG-24.06, A letter from Dr. Brill to Dr. Simmel, October 19, 1944


Abraham Brill


Correspondence between Dr. Brill and Dr. Simmel, 1930s, 1940s

A letter from Dr. Brill to Dr. Simmel, October 19, 1944

Dr. Brill, appreciation of the good wishes from Dr. Simmel sent through San Francisco Society

Documents of Dr. Brill in the NCP-LA Archive

Documents from the NCP Archive, Dr. Ernst Simmel

RG-24.07, A letter from Karl Menninger, Menninger Clinic to Dr. Simmel, June 23, 1933


Karl Menninger


Correspondence between the Menninger Clinic and Dr. Simmel, 1930s

Correspondence between Dr. Karl Menninger and Dr. Ernst Simmel, 1930s

A letter from Karl Menninger, Menninger Clinic to Dr. Simmel, June 23, 1933

The Menningers inquire offering to Dr. Simmel a position in the Menninger Clinic, 1933

A business-like correspondence from the Menningers to Dr. Simmel, not a scholarly discourse, 1930s

The Menningers, business was a prevailing feature of their institution, 1930s, 1940s

The Menninger Clinic, psychiatry oriented, psychoanalysis in latent state, 1930s, 1940s

Karl Menninger, a business deal language of the letter to Dr. Simmel, June 23, 1933

Karl Menninger, financial and English language priorities, impertinence to Psychoanalysis

Documents of Dr. Karl Menninger in NCP-LA Archive

Documents of the Menningers Clinic in NCP-LA Archive

Documents from the NCP Archive, Dr. Ernst Simmel

RG-24.08, A letter from William Menninger to Dr. Simmel, June 24, 1937


William Menninger


Correspondence between Dr. William Menninger and Dr. Ernst Simmel, 1930s, 1940s

A letter from William Menninger to Dr. Simmel, June 24, 1937

The Menninger Sanitarium, psychiatric institution

Correspondence between the Menninger Sanitarium and Dr. Simmel, 1930s

the Menninger sanitarium, Therapeutic aims

Psychiatric principles of the Menninger Sanitarium, a psychiatric institution, 1930s, 1940s

The Menninger Sanitarium, intentions to integrate a psychoanalytic component, only intentions

Dr. William Menninger, documents in the NCP-LA Archive

Documents from the NCP Archive, Dr. Ernst Simmel

RG-24.09, A letter from Dr. Fenichel to Margrit Libbin, April 4, 1938


Dr. Otto Fenichel, Psychoanalyst, scholar (1897 --1946)


Correspondence between Otto Fenichel and Margrit Libbin, 1930s

A letter from Otto Fenichel to Margrit Libbin, April 4, 1938

Otto Fenichel, appreciation to the colleagues in Los Angeles in regard to his immigration arrangement

Otto Fenichel, preparation for emigration from Czechoslovakia to America, 1938

Otto Fenichel, his contract and visa to America, support by Simmel, Deri, Margrit Libbin, 1938

Documents from the NCP Archive, Dr. Fenichel

Documents from the NCP-LA Archive, Margrit Libbin

RG-24.10, A letter from Anna Freud to Simmel, in German, April 1, 1940


Anna Freud


Correspondence between Anna Freud and Dr. Simmel, in German, 1940s

A letter from Anna Freud to Simmel, in German, April 1, 1940

Anna Freud, psychoanalyst, scholar, scientific theorist

Anna Freud, Theory of Psychoanalysis

Anna Freud, The Ego and the Mechanism of Defense, scientific work

Anna Freud, Opinion on Psychoanalysis, discourse

Anna Freud, documents in the NCP-LA Archive

Documents from the NCP Archive, Dr. Ernst Simmel

RG-24.11, A letter from Martha Freud to the LA Psychoanalytic Society, by Dr. Tidd, July 31, 1951


Martha Freud (Bernays), wife of Sigmund Freud


Correspondence between Martha Freud and the members of the LA Psychoanalytic Society, 1950s.

Correspondence between Marth Freud and Dr. Tidd, 1950s

A letter from Martha Freud to the LA Psychoanalytic Society, by Dr. Tidd, July 31, 1951

Martha Freud, appreciation for the birthday gifts and wishes from the LA Psychoanalytic Society 1951

Martha Freud, a letter to Dr. Tidd with appreciation for birthday gifts and wishes, July 31, 1951

Martha Freud thanks for a shower of stockings and good wishes to the members of LA Society, 1951

Martha Freud, the 90th Birthday, Congratulations from the LA Psychoanalytic Society, 1951

Documents of Martha Freud in the NCP-LA Archive

Documents from the NCP-LA Archive, Dr. Tidd

RG-24.12, A letter from the office of Dr. Gitelson to Harvey Lewis, October 9, 1956


Dr. Maxwell Gitelson, psychoanalyst, scholar


Correspondence between Dr. Gitelson and Dr. Lewis, 1950s

A letter from Dr. Gitelson to Dr. Lewis, October 9, 1956

Children psychoanalysis, discourse

Kleinian theory of children psychoanalysis, discourse

Documents of Dr. Gitelson in the NCP-LA Archive

Documents of Dr. Lewis in the NCP-LA Archive

RG-24.13, A discourse by Dr. Glover of Freudian and Kleinian split in the UK, January, February 1944


Dr. Edward Glover, psychoanalyst, scholar (1888 -- 1972)


A letter from Dr. Glover to Dr. Simmel, February 1944

Correspondence between Dr. Edward Glover and Dr. Ernst Simmel, 1940s

Documents from the NCP Archive, Dr. Ernst Simmel

Documents of Dr. Edward Glover in the NCP-LA Archive

Dr. Edward Glover conveys a message of resigning his membership of the British Society to Simmel

Dr. Edward Glover in opposition to influence of Melanie Klein since 1934

Dr. Glover argues that he had only dissociate himself from the Society under given circumstances

Dr. Glover elicits the conclusion of the split between the Freudian group and the Kleinians, 1944

Dr. Glover elucidates that he personally criticized Kleinian theories for ten years

Dr. Glover regards that under the present system of training the Society will follow Kleinians

Freudian minority in the British Psychoanalytic Society, Dr. Edward Glover, 1944

Freudian principles of Psychoanalysis, Dr. Edward Glover

The British Psychoanalytic Society has deviated from Freudian principles, by Dr. Edward Glover, 1944

Theory of Psychoanalysis, Dr. Edward Glover

RG-24.14, Two letters from Dr. Simmel to Dr. Lewy, May 8, 1945


Dr. Ernst Simmel, scholar, psychoanalyst, founder of the Schloss Tegel hospital (1882 --1947)


Correspondence between Dr. Simmel and Dr. Lewy, 1930s, 1940s

A letter from Dr. Simmel to Dr. Lewy, May 8, 1945

Dr. Simmel, discourse of the future of psychoanalysis in America, letter to Dr. Lewy, May 8, 1945

Dr. Simmel works by invitation with official Los Angeles psychiatric service, letter to Dr. Lewy, May

Dr. Fenichel works by invitation with Los Angeles psychiatric service, letter from Simmel to Lewy

Dr. Simmel contributed to the organization of the Los Angeles Psychiatric Rehabilitation Clinic

Dr. Ernst Simmel, scholar, President of Psychoanalytic Study Group, 1935 -- 1943

Dr. Ernst Lewy, Director of the Institute and the Dean of the Training School, 1948 and later

Dr. Simmel, perspective for lay non-licensed analyst has no future in America, letter to Dr. Lewy

Dr. Simmel, personal discourse, How I can get away from here, letter to Dr. Lewy

Dr. Simmel, reflections on his past works, letter to Dr. Lewy, May 1945

Documents of Dr. Ernst Lewy in the NCP-LA Archive

Documents from the NCP Archive, Dr. Ernst Simmel

RG-24.15, A letter from Erik Erikson to Dr. Simmel, undated


Dr. Erikson, scholar, psychoanalyst (1930s -- 1960s)


Correspondence between Ernst Simmel and Erik Erikson

A letter from Erik Erikson to Dr. Simmel, ca 1940s

Amicable content, letter from Erik Erikson to Dr. Simmel, ca 1940s

A probable meeting between Erik Erikson and Dr. Simmel, ca 1940s, letter from Erikson to Simmel

Documents of Erik Erikson in the NCP - LA Archive

Documents from the NCP Archive, Dr. Ernst Simmel

RG-24.16, A letter from William Harriman to Dr. Simmel, October 12, 1947


William R. Harriman


Correspondence between Dr. Simmel and William R. Harriman, 1940s

A letter from William Harriman to Dr. Simmel, October 12, 1947

A letter from William R. Harriman to Dr. Simmel, amicable content, 1947

William R. Harriman worries about the health of Dr. Simmel, October 1947, in a letter

Documents of William R. Harriman in the NCP-LA Archive

Documents from the NCP Archive, Dr. Ernst Simmel

RG-24.17, A letter from Pryns Hopkins to Dr. Simmel, March 5, 1942


Pryns (Prynce) Hopkins, pacifist, author, publisher, public figure (1885 -- 1970)


Correspondence between Pryns (Prynce) Hopkins and Dr. Simmel, 1940s

A letter from Pryns Hopkins to Dr. Simmel, March 5, 1942

Pryns (Prynce) Hopkins, editor of journal Freedom and Unity, 1940s

Pryns(Prynce) Hopkins, scholar, pacifist, publice figure

Pryns (Prynce) Hopkins, anti-war activities

Relations between Pryns (Prynce) Hopkins and Dr. Simmel, 1940s

Pryns (Prynce) Hopkins, letter to Dr. Simmel, amicable content, March 5, 1942

Documents of Pryns (Prynce) Hopkins in the NCP-LA Archive

Documents from the NCP Archive, Dr. Ernst Simmel

RG-24.18, A letter from Dr. Karen Horney to Dr. Emanuel Windholz, December 1, 1942


Karen Horney, psychoanalyst, Neo-Freudian

Karen Horney (Danielsen) was a German psychoanalyst who practiced in the United States during her later career. Her theories questioned some traditional Freudian views. This was in relation to her theories of sexuality and of the instinct orientation of psychoanalysis. She is credited with founding feminist psychology in response to Freud's theory of penis envy. She disagreed with Freud about inherent differences in the psychology of men and women and she traced such differences to society and culture rather than biology.

Horney was bewildered by psychiatrist' tendency to place so much emphasis on the male sexual organ. Horney also reworked the Freudian Oedipal complex of the sexual elements, claiming that the clinging to one parent and jealousy of the other was simply the result of anxiety, caused by a disturbance in the parent-child relationship.

Horney saw narcissism quite differently from Freud, Kohut and other mainstream psychoanalytic theorists in that she did not posit a primary narcissism but saw the narcissistic personality as the product of a certain kind of early environment acting on a certain kind of temperament.  For her, narcissistic needs and tendencies are not inherent in human nature.

Narcissism is different from Horney’s other major defensive strategies or solutions in that it is not compensatory. Self-idealization is compensatory in her theory, but it differs from narcissism. All the defensive strategies involve self-idealization, but in the narcissistic solution it tends to be the product of indulgence rather than of deprivation. The Narcissist self-esteem is not strong, however, because it is not based on genuine accomplishments.

Horney's mature theory of neurosis makes a major contribution to psychological thought -- particular the study of personality -- that deserves to be more widely known and applied.

Her major work Neurosis and Human Growth: The Struggle to Self-Realization was published in 1950.

Horney shared Abraham Maslow's view that self-actualization is something that all people strive for.  By self she understood the core of one's own being and potential. Horney believed that if we have an accurate conception of our own, the we are free to realize our potential and achieve what we wish, within reasonable boundaries. Thus, she believed that self-actualization is the healthy person's aim through life -- as opposed to the neurotic clinging to a set of key needs.

Horney regarded that we can have two view of our self: the real self and the ideal self. The real self is who and what we actually are. The ideal self is the type of person we feel we should be.

The neurotic person's self is split between an idealized self and a real self. As a result, neurotic individual s feel that they somehow do not live up to the ideal self. The goals set out by the neurotic are not realistic or possible. The real self then degenerates into a despised self. and the neurotic person assumes that this is the actual self. She concluded that these ingrained traits of the psyche forever prevent an individual's potential from being actualized unless the cycle of neurosis is somehow broken, though treatment or in less severe cases life lessons.


Correspondence between Karen Horney and Emanuel Windholz, 1940s

A letter from Dr. Karen Horney to Dr. Emanuel Windholz, December 1, 1942

Karen Horney, reference to Douglas Campbell, in the letter to Dr. Windholz, 1942

Karen Horney, scholar, psychoanalyst, Neo-Freudian theorist, 1930s - 1950s

Dr. Emanuel Windholz, psychoanalyst

Dr. Douglas Campbell, psychoanalyst

Karen Horney, Neo Freudian theories, discourse, 1940s, 1950s

Karen Horney, Neo-Freudian Circle, discourse

Contemporary Freudians are distinct from the Kleinians

Exemplification of Contemporary Freudians, Christopher Bollas, D.W. Winnicott, Adam Phillps

An interest in the social approach to Psychodynamics was a major theme linking Neo Freudians

Psychodynamics is an approach emphasizing systematic study of psychological forces of human behavior

Psychodynamics correlates relations between conscious motivation and unconscious motivation

Freud extrapolated Psychodynamics to describe the processes of the mind

Otto Fenichel delineated a comprehensive theoretical critique of the Neo Freudians

Carl Rogers, Person-Centered Psychotherapy

Space between social and political theory and psychoanalysis, nowadays theorists

Heinz Kohut, Self Psychology, Chicago, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s

Heinz Kohut, Founder of Psychology of Self

Heinz Kohut, The self is like all reality not knowable it its essence, 1977

Drive Theory in Psychoanalysis relates to motivations and instincts that have clear objects

Drive Psychology, theory, modern

Ego Psychology, theory, modern

Object relations Psychology, theory, modern

Self Psychology, theory, modern

Theories of Psychoanalysis, modern psychological applications

Documents of Karen Horney in the NCP - LA Archive

RG-24.19, A letter from Ernst Jones to Dr. Simmel, June 1, 1940


Ernest Jones, scholar, psychoanalyst

Ernst Jones was a lifelong friend and colleague of Sigmund Freud from their first meeting in 1908.  He became Freud's official biographer. Jones was the first English-speaking professional in Psychoanalysis and became its leading exponent in the English-speaking world. Ernest Jones was President of the International Psychoanalytic Association and the British Psychoanalytic Society in the 1920s and 1930s.

Jone's early published work on psychoanalysis had been devoted to expositions of the fundamentals of Freudian theory, an elaboration of its theory of symbolism and its application to the analysis of religion, mythology, folklore and literary and artistic works. Under the influence of Melanie Klein, Jone's work took a new direction.

With the arrival in Britain of refugees German and Austrian analysts in the 1930s, including Anna Freud in 1938, the hostility between the orthodox Freudians and Kleinians in the British Society became more intense. Jones chaired a number of "extraordinary business meetings" the aim of defusing the conflict and these continued into the war years. The meetings which became known as the controversial discussions were established on a more regular basis from 1942. By that time, Jones had removed himself from direct participation, owing to ill health. He resigned from the presidency of the British Society in 1944, the year when under the presidency of Sylvia Payne there finally emerged a tripartite compromise agreement. This allowed the Freudians, Kleinians and of Independents to run their own training and accreditation programs.


Correspondence between Dr. Ernest Jones and Dr. Ernest Simmel, 1940s

A letter from Ernst Jones to Dr. Simmel, June 1, 1940

Jones - Freud controversy, 1930s

Ernest Jones, reference to the Freud family in England, in the letter to Simmel, June 1, 1940

Ernest Jones, dramatic geopolitical situation, Battle for England, June 1940

Ernest Jones expressed hope for American actual help in the war with Nazi Germany, June 1940

Documents of Dr. Ernest Jones in the NCP-LA Archive

Documents from the NCP Archive, Dr. Ernst Simmel

RG-24.20, A letter from Ernest Jones to Dr. Simmel, September 25, 1947


Ernest Jones, scholar, psychoanalyst


Correspondence between Dr. Ernest Jones and Dr. Ernest Simmel, 1940s

A letter from Ernest Jones to Dr. Simmel, September 25, 1947

Dr. Ernest Jones reviews the Dr. Simmel's work on Antisemitism, September 1947

Ernest Jones, synthesis Gentile and Jews, discourse and comparison of the work of Dr. Simmel, 1947

Ernest Jones writes about in a difference of approach from a Gentile and Jewish perspectives, 1947

In Jone's opinion, Simmel accented on the religion while Jones emphasized national or racial traits

Ernest Jones, Discourse of Jewish - Gentile relations

Ernest Jones, the Jewish Otherness in his opinion is a main cause of Antisemitism 1947

Ernest Jones, Antisemitism is caused by the feelings that Jews are apart, disloyal, inimical, etc.

Ernest Jones regards that Zionism exacerbates Antisemitism in the 20th century, in a letter to Simmel

Ernest Jones regards the Jew represents the bad dangerous object inside oneself, to Simmel a letter

Ernest Jones believes that Antisemitism is not confined to the Gentile complexes, letter to Simmel

Ernest Jones believes that Antisemitism conveys the actual Jewish dimension, letter to Simmel

Theories of Antisemitism, discourse in publications and public opinions

Theory of Antisemitism, Ernst Jones, 1947

Theory of Antisemitism, Ernest Simmel, 1936

Documents of Dr. Ernest Jones in the NCP-LA Archive

Documents from the NCP Archive, Dr. Ernst Simmel

RG-24.21, A letter from Dr. Bertram Lewin to Dr. Tidd, July 18, 1940


Bertram D. Lewin, American psychoanalysis


Correspondence between Bertram Lewin and Dr. Tidd, 1940s

A letter from Dr. Bertram Lewin to Dr. Tidd, July 18, 1940

Contribution to Relief and Immigration Fund from LA Psychoanalytic Group, July 1940

Emergency Committee on Relief and Immigration of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 1940s

Documents of Bertram Lewin in the NCP-LA Archive

Documents from the NCP-LA Archive, Dr. Tidd

RG-24.22, A letter from Carey McWilliams to Dr. Simmel, December 16, 1943


Carry McWilliams, journalist, public figure


Correspondence between Carey McWilliams and Dr. Simmel, 1940s

A letter from Carey McWilliams to Dr. Simmel, December 16, 1943

Dr. Simmel invites Carey McWilliams to serve on the Council of Mental Hygiene, 1943

Carey McWilliam accepts service on the Board of Mental Hygiene with the three month postponement, 1943

Carey McWilliams, journalist, public figure, left-wing politicians, 1940s -- 1970s

Documents of Carey McWilliams, journalist, public figure in the NCP-LA Archive

Documents from the NCP Archive, Dr. Ernst Simmel

RG-24.23, A letter from William Menninger to Dr. Simmel, July 10, 1936


William Menninger (1899 -- 1966)


Correspondence between William Menninger and Dr. Simmel, 1930s

A letter from William Menninger to Dr. Simmel, July 10, 1936

The Menninger Clinic, psychiatry oriented, psychoanalysis in latent state, 1930s, 1940s

The Menninger Clinic, medical, therapeutic and psychoanalytic structure, 1930s, 1940s

Therapeutic aims, a  directive of treatment at the Menninger Clinic, 1936

William Menninger sent to Dr. Simmel the guiding chart of therapeutic aims of the Menninger Clinic

The Menninger Clinic, founded in 1920 in Topeka, Kansas

The Menninger Sanitarium was founded in Topeka, Kansas in 1925

The Menninger Clinic established the Southhard School for Children in 1926

The Menningers training program for psychiatrists, psychologists and mental health professionals

The Menningers refrained from applying Psychoanalysis for treatment

Dr. William Menninger, documents in the NCP-LA Archive

Documents from the NCP Archive, Dr. Ernst Simmel

RG-24.24, A letter from Clinical Study Community in Berlin to the Colleagues, in German, signed by Dr. Sandor Rado, September 30, 1930


Sandor Rado, psychoanalyst, scholar


Correspondence authored by Dr. Sandor Rado, 1930s, in German

Letter on behalf of Clinical Study Community of Berlin, penned by Sandor Rado, September 30, 1930

Dr. Sandor Rado, psychoanalyst, scholar

Writings of Dr. Sandor Rado, 1920s -- 1940s

Sandor Rado, works on adaptational psychodynamics

Theory of Psychoanalysis, Dr. Sandor Rado

Documents of Dr. Sandor Rado in the NCP-LA Archive

RG-24.25, A letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Dr. Simmel, January 14, 1947


Eleanor Roosevelt, First Lady of the United States, political figure, diplomat


Correspondence between Eleanor Roosevelt and Dr. Simmel, 1940s

A letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Dr. Simmel, January 14, 1947

Eleanor Roosevelt appreciates Dr. Simmel book Antisemitism A Social Disease, January 1947

Dr. Simmel sent a copy of his book Antisemitism A Social Disease to Eleanor Roosevelt, 1946

Documents of Eleanor Roosevelt in the NCP-LA Archive

Documents from the NCP Archive, Dr. Ernst Simmel

RG-24.26, A letter from Dr. Hanns Sachs to Dr. Simmel, in German, November 23, 1941


Hanns Sachs, Austrian psychoanalyst and doctor of low (1881 --1947)


Correspondence between Hanns Sachs and Dr. Ernst Simmel in German, 1930s, 1940s

A letter from Dr. Hanns Sachs to Dr. Simmel, in German, November 23, 1941

Theory of Psychoanalysis, Hanns Sachs

Theory of Psychoanalysis, Dr. Ernst Simmel

Documents of Hanns Sachs, NCP-LA Archive

Documents from the NCP Archive, Dr. Ernst Simmel 

RG-24.27, Membership dues owned by Judge Atwell Westwick, Psychoanalytic Group, LA, October 4, 1940Creator,

Psychoanalytic Study Group of Los Angeles (1935 - 1946)


Correspondence between Psychoanalytic Study Group of Los Angeles and Judge Atwell Westwick, 1940s

Judge Atwell Westwick, Superior Court of Santa Barbara, interested in Psychoanalysis

Membership dues issued to Judge Westwick in Santa Barbara by Psychoanalytic Study Group

Membership dues in the amount of 5 dollars issued to Judge Westwick, Psychoanalytic Study Group

Psychoanalytic Study Group of Los Angeles, financial documents

Documents of Judge Atwell Westwick, Superior Court of Santa Barbara in the NCP-LA Archive

Documents of the Psychoanalytic Study Group of Los Angeles in NCP-LA Archive

RG-24.28, A letter from Judge Westwick to Psychoanalytic Group, LA, October 5, 1940


Judge Atwell Westwick, Superior Court of Santa Barbara


Correspondence between Psychoanalytic Study Group of Los Angeles and Judge Atwell Westwick, 1940s

A letter from Judge Westwick to Psychoanalytic Group, LA, October 5, 1940

Judge Atwell Westwick declines payment of membership dues for he was not a member of the Group, 1940

Psychoanalytic Study Group of Los Angeles, financial documents

Documents of Judge Atwell Westwick, Superior Court of Santa Barbara in the NCP-LA Archive

RG-24.29, Correspondence between Dr. Tidd and Judge Westwick, membership, February 24 and March 18, 1941


Dr. Charles Tidd, scholar, psychoanalyst (1935 -- 1950)

Judge Atwell Westwick, Superior Court of Santa Barbara


Correspondence between Dr. Tidd and Judge Westwick, February, March 1941

A letter from Dr. Tidd to Judge Westwick with regard to the latter membership, February 24, 1941

Dr. Tidd notifies Judge Westwick of his election to associate membership of Psychoanalytic Group

A letter from Judge Westwick to Dr. Tidd, appreciation of the latter membership, 1941

Documents from the NCP-LA Archive, Dr. Tidd

Documents of Judge Atwell Westwick, Superior Court of Santa Barbara in the NCP-LA Archive

RG-24.30, A letter from Dr. Zilboorg to Dr. Simmel, September 14, 1944


Gregory Zilboorg, psychoanalyst and historian of psychiatry


Correspondence between Gregory Zilboorg and Dr. Simmel, 1940s

Gregory Zilboorg, psychoanalyst and historian of psychiatry

Dr. Zilboorg confirms receipt of Dr. Simmel's publications, 1944

Documents of Dr. Gregory Zilboorg in the NCP-LA Archive

Documents from the NCP Archive, Dr. Ernst Simmel

RG-24.31, A letter from Freud to Simmel, January 9, 1939


Professor, Dr. Sigmund Freud, founder and the leading authority of Psychoanalysis (1918 --1939)


Correspondence between Dr. Freud and Dr. Simmel, 1918 – 1939

A letter from Sigmund Freud to Dr. Simmel, January 9, 1939

Freud thanks Simmel for the New Year wishes of 1939, January 9, 1939

Freud about him realizing of not many friends of his in America and elsewhere, January 9, 1939

Freud values tenacity of Simmel's friendship, January 1939

How Freud approaches a prospective naming a sanitarium in Los Angeles after him, January 1939

Freud ironically alludes to the progress of Psychoanalysis in California, January 1939

Friendship between Sigmund Freud and Ernest Simmel, 1920s -- 1930s

Documents of Dr. Freud at the NCP-LA Archive

Documents from the NCP Archive, Dr. Ernst Simmel

RG-24.32, A letter from Dr. Tidd to Dr. John Murray, August 9, 1940


Dr. Charles Tidd, scholar, psychoanalyst (1935 -- 1950)


Correspondence between Dr. Tidd and John Murray, 1940s

A letter from Dr. Tidd to Dr. John Murray, August 9, 1940

Dr. John Murray, psychoanalyst, Bost Psychoanalytic Society

Inquiry about the state of payment to a German publisher for the purchase of Psychoanalytic Group

Dr. Tidd, financial inquiries, 1940s

Documents from the NCP-LA Archive, Dr. Tidd

Documents of Dr. John Murray in the NCP-LA Archive

RG-24.33, A letter from Dr. Tidd to Dr. Kubie, June 26, 1940


Dr. Charles Tidd, scholar, psychoanalyst (1935 -- 1950)


Correspondence between Dr. Tidd and Dr. Kubie, 1940s

A letter from Dr. Tidd to Dr. Kubie, June 26, 1940

Dr. Lawrence Kubie, psychoanalyst and psychiatrist

Dr. Tidd, financial inquiries, 1940s

Inquiry about the state of payment to a German publisher for the purchase of Psychoanalytic Group

Documents from the NCP-LA Archive, Dr. Tidd

Documents of Dr. Kubie in the NCP-LA Archive

RG-24.34, A letter from Anna Freud to Dr. Lewy and Dr. Tidd, December 12, 1955


Anna Freud (1895 -- 1982)


Correspondence between Anna Freud and Dr. Lewy, Dr. Tidd

A letter from Anna Freud to Dr. Lewy and Dr. Tidd, December 10, 1955

Anna Freud, gratitude to birthday wishes from Psychoanalytic Group in Los Angeles, December 1955

Psychoanalytic Society congratulates Anna Freud with her birthday, December 1955

Anna Freud, daughter of Sigmund Freud, psychoanalyst, scholar

Anna Freud, principles of psychoanalysis, loyalty to the original Theory

Anna Freud, Truth is a guiding principle of Psychoanalysis

Anna Freud, Psychoanalysis is the Theory beyond the medical sphere

Anna Freud, Psychoanalysis shall embrace studies in sociology, history, religion, literature

Anna Freud, documents in the NCP-LA Archive

Dr. Ernest Lewy, psychoanalyst, scholar

Documents of Dr. Ernst Lewy in the NCP-LA Archive

Documents from the NCP-LA Archive, Dr. Tidd

RG-24.35, A letter from Dr. Simmel to Hanns Sachs, November 18, 1941, in German

RG-24.36, A letter from John Murray to Dr. Tidd, July 9, 1940


Dr. Charles Tidd, scholar, psychoanalyst (1935 -- 1950)


Correspondence between Dr. Tidd and Dr. John Murray, 1940s

A letter from John Murray to Dr. Tidd, July 9, 1940

Inquiry about the state of payment to a German publisher for the purchase of Psychoanalytic Group

Psychoanalytic Group of Los Angeles, financial matters

Documents from the NCP-LA Archive, Dr. Tidd

Dr. John Murray, psychoanalyst, Bost Psychoanalytic Society

Documents of Dr. John Murray in the NCP-LA Archive

RG-24.37, Abbreviated Guide to Therapeutic Aims, the Menningers, June 23, 1937


The Menninger Sanitarium


The Menninger Sanitarium, psychiatric institution

the Menninger sanitarium, Therapeutic aims

The Menninger principles of psychiatric treatment, discourse, 1937

The Menninger Sanitarium, conflict situation resolutions, discourse, 1930s

Devices intended to correct disturbances, the Menninger principles, 1930s

The Menninger principles, Encouraging the direct expression of hostilities, 1930s

The Menninger principles, Encouraging relief from a sense of guilt for Introjected Hostility, 1930s

The Menninger principles, Encouraging displacements from previous or disadvantageous objects, 1930s

Devices intended to correct  disturbances in the Erotic Drive, the Menninger principles, 1930s

Encouraging socially accepted  narcissistic gratification, realization of phantasies by acting out

Encouraging the earning of love, the Menninger principles, 1930s

Giving the patient love unrequested, the Menninger principles, 1930s

Affording an opportunity to love, the Menninger principles, 1930s

Psychiatric clinics and sanitarium in the 1930s in America, narratives and discourses

Documents from the Menninger Sanitarium in the NCP-LA Archive

Documents from the NCP Archive, Dr. Ernst Simmel

RG-24.38, the Menninger sanitarium, Therapeutic aims, ca 1937


The Menninger Sanitarium (1920s -- 1940s)


The Menninger Sanitarium, psychiatric institution

the Menninger sanitarium, Therapeutic aims

Psychiatric principles of the Menninger Sanitarium, a psychiatric institution, 1930s, 1940s

The Menninger principles, Encouraging displacements from previous or disadvantageous objects, 1930s

The Menninger principles, Encouraging relief from a sense of guilt for Introjected Hostility, 1930s

The Menninger principles, Encouraging the direct expression of hostilities, 1930s

The Menninger principles of psychiatric treatment, discourse, 1937

The Menninger Sanitarium, Physician order sheet, form and content, ca 1937

Psychiatric clinics and sanitarium in the 1930s in America, narratives and discourses

Documents from the Menninger Sanitarium in the NCP-LA Archive

Documents from the NCP Archive, Dr. Ernst Simmel

RG-24.39, Professional training, recommendations, APA, 1930s

RG-24.40, Frances Deri to the 60th Birthday of Anna Freud, December 1955

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Item:

[Item 1: RG-24.01, A letter from Dr. Karl Abraham to Dr. Simmel, English translation, December 15, 1918, December 15, 1918],
[Item 2: RG-24.02, A letter from Dr. Karl Abraham to Dr. Simmel, in German, December 15, 1918, December 15, 1918],
[Item 3: RG-24.03, A letter from Dr. Hanns Sachs to Dr. Ernst Lewy, in German, September 21, 1936, September 21, 1936],
[Item 4: RG-24.04, A letter from Dr. Bernfeld to Dr. Brunswick, in English, October 15, 1937, October 15, 1937],
[Item 5: RG-24.05, A letter from Princess Maria Bonaparte, St. Tropez, France to Dr. Simmel, July 13, 1946, June 13, 1946],
[Item 6: RG-24.06, A letter from Dr. Brill to Dr. Simmel, October 19, 1944, October 19, 1944],
[Item 7: RG-24.07, A letter from Karl Menninger, Menninger Clinic to Dr. Simmel, June 23, 1933, June 23, 1933],
[Item 8: RG-24.08, A letter from William Menninger to Dr. Simmel, June 24, 1937, June 24, 1937],
[Item 9: RG-24.09, A letter  from Dr. Fenichel to Margrit Libbin, April 4, 1938, April 4, 1938],
[Item 10: RG-24.10, A letter from Anna Freud to Simmel, in German, April 1, 1940, April 1, 1940],
[Item 11: RG-24.11, A letter from Martha Freud to the LA Psychoanalytic Society, by Dr. Tidd, July 31, 1951, July 31, 1951],
[Item 12: RG-24.12, A letter from the office of Dr. Gitelson to Harvey Lewis, October 9, 1956, October 9, 1956],
[Item 13: RG-24.13, A discourse by Dr. Glover of Freudian and Kleinian split in the UK, January, February 1944, February 1944],
[Item 14: RG-24.14, Two letters from Dr. Simmel to Dr. Lewy, May 8, 1945, May 8, 1945],
[Item 15: RG-24.15, A letter from Erik Erikson to Dr. Simmel, undated, Ca 1940s],
[Item 16: RG-24.16, A letter from William Harriman to Dr. Simmel, October 12, 1947, October 12, 1947],
[Item 17: RG-24.17, A letter from Pryns Hopkins to Dr. Simmel, March 5, 1942, RG-24.17],
[Item 18: RG-24.18, A letter from Dr. Karen Horney to Dr. Emanuel Windholz, December 1, 1942, Deceimber 1, 1942],
[Item 19: RG-24.19, A letter from Ernst Jones to Dr. Simmel, June 1, 1940, June 1, 1940],
[Item 20: RG-24.20, A letter from Ernest Jones to Dr. Simmel, September 25, 1947, September 25, 1947],
[Item 21: RG-24.21, A letter from Dr. Bertram Lewin to Dr. Tidd, July 18, 1940, July 18, 1940],
[Item 22: RG-24.22, A letter from Carey McWilliams to Dr. Simmel, December 16, 1943, December 16, 1943],
[Item 23: RG-24.23, A letter from William Menninger to Dr. Simmel, July 10, 1936, July 10, 1936],
[Item 24: RG-24.24, A letter from Clinical Study Community in Berlin to the Colleagues, in German, signed by Sandor Rado, September 30, 1930, RG-24.24],
[Item 25: RG-24.25, A letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Dr. Simmel, January 14, 1947, January 14, 1947],
[Item 26: RG-24.26, A letter from Dr. Hanns Sachs to Dr. Simmel, in German, November 23, 1941, November 23, 1941],
[Item 27: RG-24.27, Membership dues owned by Judge Atwell Westwick, Psychoanalytic Group, LA, October 4, 1940, October 4, 1940],
[Item 28: RG-24.28, A letter from Judge Westwick to Psychoanalytic Group, LA, October 5, 1940, October 5, 1940],
[Item 29: RG-24.29, Correspondence between Dr. Tidd and Judge Westwick, membership, February 24 and March 18, 1941, February 24, 1941; March 18, 1941],
[Item 30: RG-24.30, A letter from Dr. Zilboorg to Dr. Simmel, September 14, 1944, September 14, 1944],
[Item 31: RG-24.31, A letter from Freud to Simmel, January 9, 1939, January 9, 1941],
[Item 32: RG-24.32, A letter from Dr. Tidd to Dr. John Murray, August 9, 1940, August 9, 1940],
[Item 33: RG-24.33, A letter from Dr. Tidd to Dr. Kubie, June 26, 1940, June 26, 1940],
[Item 34: RG-24.34, A letter from Anna Freud to Dr. Lewy and Dr. Tidd, December 10, 1955, December 12, 1955],
[Item 35: RG-24.35, A letter from Dr. Simmel to Hanns Sachs, November 18, 1941, in German, November 18, 1941],
[Item 36: RG-24.36, A letter from John Murray to Dr. Tidd, July 9, 1940, July 9, 1940],
[Item 37: RG-24.37, Abbrevitated Guide to Therapeutic Aims, the Menninger Sanitarium, June 23, 1937, June 23, 1937],
[Item 38: RG-24.38, the Menninger sanitarium, Therapeutic aims, ca 1937, ca 1937],

Item 36: RG-24.36, A letter from John Murray to Dr. Tidd, July 9, 1940, July 9, 1940Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
A letter from John Murray to Dr. Tidd, July 9, 1940
Subject/Index Terms:
Correspondence between Dr. Tidd and Dr. John Murray, 1940s
A letter from John Murray to Dr. Tidd, July 9, 1940
Inquiry about the state of payment to a German publisher for the purchase of Psychoanalytic Group
Psychoanalytic Group of Los Angeles, financial matters
Documents from the NCP-LA Archive, Dr. Tidd
Dr. John Murray, psychoanalyst, Bost Psychoanalytic Society
Documents of Dr. John Murray in the NCP-LA Archive
John Murray, psychoanalyst (1940s)

Browse by Item:

[Item 1: RG-24.01, A letter from Dr. Karl Abraham to Dr. Simmel, English translation, December 15, 1918, December 15, 1918],
[Item 2: RG-24.02, A letter from Dr. Karl Abraham to Dr. Simmel, in German, December 15, 1918, December 15, 1918],
[Item 3: RG-24.03, A letter from Dr. Hanns Sachs to Dr. Ernst Lewy, in German, September 21, 1936, September 21, 1936],
[Item 4: RG-24.04, A letter from Dr. Bernfeld to Dr. Brunswick, in English, October 15, 1937, October 15, 1937],
[Item 5: RG-24.05, A letter from Princess Maria Bonaparte, St. Tropez, France to Dr. Simmel, July 13, 1946, June 13, 1946],
[Item 6: RG-24.06, A letter from Dr. Brill to Dr. Simmel, October 19, 1944, October 19, 1944],
[Item 7: RG-24.07, A letter from Karl Menninger, Menninger Clinic to Dr. Simmel, June 23, 1933, June 23, 1933],
[Item 8: RG-24.08, A letter from William Menninger to Dr. Simmel, June 24, 1937, June 24, 1937],
[Item 9: RG-24.09, A letter  from Dr. Fenichel to Margrit Libbin, April 4, 1938, April 4, 1938],
[Item 10: RG-24.10, A letter from Anna Freud to Simmel, in German, April 1, 1940, April 1, 1940],
[Item 11: RG-24.11, A letter from Martha Freud to the LA Psychoanalytic Society, by Dr. Tidd, July 31, 1951, July 31, 1951],
[Item 12: RG-24.12, A letter from the office of Dr. Gitelson to Harvey Lewis, October 9, 1956, October 9, 1956],
[Item 13: RG-24.13, A discourse by Dr. Glover of Freudian and Kleinian split in the UK, January, February 1944, February 1944],
[Item 14: RG-24.14, Two letters from Dr. Simmel to Dr. Lewy, May 8, 1945, May 8, 1945],
[Item 15: RG-24.15, A letter from Erik Erikson to Dr. Simmel, undated, Ca 1940s],
[Item 16: RG-24.16, A letter from William Harriman to Dr. Simmel, October 12, 1947, October 12, 1947],
[Item 17: RG-24.17, A letter from Pryns Hopkins to Dr. Simmel, March 5, 1942, RG-24.17],
[Item 18: RG-24.18, A letter from Dr. Karen Horney to Dr. Emanuel Windholz, December 1, 1942, Deceimber 1, 1942],
[Item 19: RG-24.19, A letter from Ernst Jones to Dr. Simmel, June 1, 1940, June 1, 1940],
[Item 20: RG-24.20, A letter from Ernest Jones to Dr. Simmel, September 25, 1947, September 25, 1947],
[Item 21: RG-24.21, A letter from Dr. Bertram Lewin to Dr. Tidd, July 18, 1940, July 18, 1940],
[Item 22: RG-24.22, A letter from Carey McWilliams to Dr. Simmel, December 16, 1943, December 16, 1943],
[Item 23: RG-24.23, A letter from William Menninger to Dr. Simmel, July 10, 1936, July 10, 1936],
[Item 24: RG-24.24, A letter from Clinical Study Community in Berlin to the Colleagues, in German, signed by Sandor Rado, September 30, 1930, RG-24.24],
[Item 25: RG-24.25, A letter from Eleanor Roosevelt to Dr. Simmel, January 14, 1947, January 14, 1947],
[Item 26: RG-24.26, A letter from Dr. Hanns Sachs to Dr. Simmel, in German, November 23, 1941, November 23, 1941],
[Item 27: RG-24.27, Membership dues owned by Judge Atwell Westwick, Psychoanalytic Group, LA, October 4, 1940, October 4, 1940],
[Item 28: RG-24.28, A letter from Judge Westwick to Psychoanalytic Group, LA, October 5, 1940, October 5, 1940],
[Item 29: RG-24.29, Correspondence between Dr. Tidd and Judge Westwick, membership, February 24 and March 18, 1941, February 24, 1941; March 18, 1941],
[Item 30: RG-24.30, A letter from Dr. Zilboorg to Dr. Simmel, September 14, 1944, September 14, 1944],
[Item 31: RG-24.31, A letter from Freud to Simmel, January 9, 1939, January 9, 1941],
[Item 32: RG-24.32, A letter from Dr. Tidd to Dr. John Murray, August 9, 1940, August 9, 1940],
[Item 33: RG-24.33, A letter from Dr. Tidd to Dr. Kubie, June 26, 1940, June 26, 1940],
[Item 34: RG-24.34, A letter from Anna Freud to Dr. Lewy and Dr. Tidd, December 10, 1955, December 12, 1955],
[Item 35: RG-24.35, A letter from Dr. Simmel to Hanns Sachs, November 18, 1941, in German, November 18, 1941],
[Item 36: RG-24.36, A letter from John Murray to Dr. Tidd, July 9, 1940, July 9, 1940],
[Item 37: RG-24.37, Abbrevitated Guide to Therapeutic Aims, the Menninger Sanitarium, June 23, 1937, June 23, 1937],
[Item 38: RG-24.38, the Menninger sanitarium, Therapeutic aims, ca 1937, ca 1937],

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