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The Works of the History Committee ,1960s



Scope and Contents

Biographical Note

Detailed Description

RG - 10.01, A History of Psychoanalytic movement in LA area by Dr. David Brunswick, 1957

RG - 10.02, Psychoanalysis in Calfivornia, Historical Highlights, Dr. Brunswick, Dr. Kandelin, 1966

RG - 10.03, About  Dr. David Brunswick, Curriculum Vitae of him

RG - 10.04, Forerunners of the Split, Recollections of Dr. Brunswick, May 1962

RG - 10.05, The Fenichel - Simmel Memorial Lectures by Dr. Brunswick, November 17, 1971

RG - 10.06, Embryology of the Los Angeles Psychoanalytic Society, Dr. Brunswick, 1971

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The Works of the History Committee ,1960s, 1950-1960 | NCP-LA

By Dr. Vladimir Melamed

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Collection Overview

Title: The Works of the History Committee ,1960s, 1950-1960Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

Predominant Dates:Late 1950s -- mid- 1960s

ID: RG-10/RG-10

Primary Creator: The Committee for the History of Psychoanalytic Society (1950s -- 1960s)

Extent: 2.0 Boxes

Subjects: Albert Kandelin, Abouth the Library of the Society and Institute, 1960s, Analyzing History of Psychoanalytic institutions in Los Angeles, the History Committee, 1960s, Arthur Ourieff, President elect, Los Angeles Psychoanalytic Society and Institute, 1960s, California First Psychoanalytic Society by Albert Kandelin, 1960s, Committee for the History of the Society, interviews and transcripts, 1960s, Dissension in Retrospect (the Split), Kandelin, February 1963, Dissenters, Norman Levy, May Rmm, Milton Miller, induced the Split, by Dr. Sperling, Dr. Albert Kandelin, Chairman of the History Committee for the Psychoanalytic Society, Los Angeles, Dr. Albert Kandelin and the beginnin of the organized Archive for the History of the Society, Dr. Arthur Ourieff, psychoanalyst, member of the History Committee, 1960s, Dr. David Brunswick, Curriculum Vitae, Dr. Nunes, Director of the Oral History Project of UCLA, 1962, Dr. Nunes communicated to Dr. Kandelin the principles of archiving the documents of the Society 1962, Dr. Robert Stoller, member of the History Committee, interviewer, Early History of Psychoanalytic movement in Los Angeles, Embryology of the Los Angeles Psychoanalytic Society, Dr. Brunswick, 1971, Forerunners of the Split, Recollections of Dr. Brunswick, May 1962, Fund Raising Project, 1950 -- 1952 by Kandelin, June 1962, History Committee, report to the Psychoanalytic Society, December 20, 1962, History Committee of the Psychoanalytic Society, 1961 - 1965, History of Psychoanalytic Study Group of Los Angeles, 1945 -- 1947, History of the Psychoanalytic Institute of Los Angeles after the Split, under May Romm guidance, History of the Psychoanalytic Society, the History Committee, 1962, Interviews with the former members of Psychoanalytic Stud Group of Los Angeles, 1961 - 1965, LA Psychoanalytic Society, Historical Chronologyy and Outline,  February 1963, Los Angeles Psychoanalytic Society and Institute, 1950s, 1960s, Maimon Leavitt, Past President, Los Angeles Psychoanalytic Society and Institute, 1960s, Norman Atkins, President, Los Angeles Psychoanalytic Society and Institute, 1960s, Oral Histories Project, interviews with the former members of Pskychoanalytic Study Group, 1962, Psychoanalysis in Calfivornia, Historical Highlights, Dr. Brunswick, Dr. Kandelin, 1966, Psychoanalytic movement in Sothern California by Dr. Brunswick, 1965, Psychoanalytic Study Group of Los Angeles by A. Kandalin, history, 1965, Sanitarium Schloss Tegel by A. Kandelin, The Cause of the History Committee and its Project, to understand and improve, Dr. Kandelin, The Fenichel - Simmel Memorial Lectures by Dr. Brunswick, The first official Psychoanalytic society in California, by A. Kandalin, 1965, The History Committee, principle organizational setting for how to conduct interviews, 1960s, The History Committee for the Society and Institute, Oral History Project, 1960s, The Purpose and discourse of the History Committee in conducting the interview project, 1960s di, The task of the History Committee, 1960s, Transcripts and narratives of the interviews with the members of Psychoanalytic Study Group, 1960s

Languages: English


The History Committee for the Psychoanalytic Society and Institute of Los Angeles was an active group of professionals dedicated to recovering and reconstructing historical discourse related to Psychoanalytic Movement in Los Angles from the early 1930s. to the late 1950s.

Scope and Contents of the Materials

The Collection comprises narratives in form of essays, articles and oral histories authored by the group of professional scholars, such as Dr. Albert Kandelin, Dr. David Brunswick, Dr. Robert Stoller, Dr. Horowitz, Dr. Arthur Qurieff.

The History Committee researched and investigated entangled series of interrelations on individual and societal levels.

The Committee produced a series of narratives highly valuable to understanding the etiology of the Psychoanalytic Study Group of Los Angeles and the Psychoanalytic Society and Institute of Los Angeles.

The Committee established a chronicle of the Psychoanalytic Movement in Los Angeles de facto applying not only historic apparatus by Psychoanalytic apparatus and approach as well

The Committee established a chronicle of the Psychoanalytic Movement in Los Angeles de facto applying not only histoir aparatus by Psychoanalytic aparatus and approach as well

Collection Historical Note

This Collection comprises works of the Committee for the History of Society (this is how it was named) undertaken in the 1960s. Largely it reflects the activity of Psychoanalytic Study Group of Los Angeles and co-related to this institution organizations. Principle attention was given to the founding figures of the Society, such as Dr. Ernst Simmel and Dr. Otto Fenichel as well as to the initial group of the members of this Society. Contributing authors to the works of this Committee were partially its members as well as the psychoanalysts who became active in the 1960s.

The History Committee for the History of Los Angeles Psychoanalytic Society was established in early 1960s under the Chairmanship of Dr. Albert Kandelin.

The Committee concentrated on the principle discourses in the History of the Psychoanalytic Study Group of Los Angeles from 1935 to 1950, then on the Dissention (the Split) between the members of this Group and the ensuing development of the Psychoanalytic Society and Institute in Los Angeles.

The Committee also focused on the role of personalities in the Split and in the policy and regulations related to the theoretic and applied Psychoanalysis.

The History Committee for the Psychoanalytic Society and Institute of Los Angeles was an active group of professionals dedicated to recovering and reconstructing historical discourse related to Psychoanalytic Movement in Los Angles from the early 1930s. to the late 1950s.

The Collection comprises narratives in form of essays, articles and oral histories authored by the group of professional scholars, such as Dr. Albert Kandelin, Dr. David Brunswick, Dr. Stoller, Dr. Horowitz, Dr. Arthur Qurieff.

The History Committee researched and investigated entangled series of interrelations on individual and societal levels.

The Committee produced a series of narratives highly valuable to understanding the etiology of the Psychoanalytic Study Group of Los Angeles and the Psychoanalytic Society and Institute of Los Angeles.

The Committee established a chronicle of the Psychoanalytic Movement in Los Angeles de facto applying not only historic apparatus by Psychoanalytic apparatus and approach as well

Biographical Note

The History Committee for the History of Los Angeles Psychoanalytic Society was established in early 1960s under the Chairmanship of Dr. Albert Kandelin.

The Committee concentrated on the principle discourses in the History of the Psychoanalytic Study Group of Los Angeles from 1935 to 1950, then on the Dissention (the Split) between the members of this Group and the ensuing development of the Psychoanalytic Society and Institute in Los Angeles.

The Committee also focused on the role of personalities in the Split and in the policy and regulations related to the theoretic and applied Psychoanalysis.

Subject/Index Terms

Albert Kandelin, Abouth the Library of the Society and Institute, 1960s
Analyzing History of Psychoanalytic institutions in Los Angeles, the History Committee, 1960s
Arthur Ourieff, President elect, Los Angeles Psychoanalytic Society and Institute, 1960s
California First Psychoanalytic Society by Albert Kandelin, 1960s
Committee for the History of the Society, interviews and transcripts, 1960s
Dissension in Retrospect (the Split), Kandelin, February 1963
Dissenters, Norman Levy, May Rmm, Milton Miller, induced the Split, by Dr. Sperling
Dr. Albert Kandelin, Chairman of the History Committee for the Psychoanalytic Society, Los Angeles
Dr. Albert Kandelin and the beginnin of the organized Archive for the History of the Society
Dr. Arthur Ourieff, psychoanalyst, member of the History Committee, 1960s
Dr. David Brunswick, Curriculum Vitae
Dr. Nunes, Director of the Oral History Project of UCLA, 1962
Dr. Nunes communicated to Dr. Kandelin the principles of archiving the documents of the Society 1962
Dr. Robert Stoller, member of the History Committee, interviewer
Early History of Psychoanalytic movement in Los Angeles
Embryology of the Los Angeles Psychoanalytic Society, Dr. Brunswick, 1971
Forerunners of the Split, Recollections of Dr. Brunswick, May 1962
Fund Raising Project, 1950 -- 1952 by Kandelin, June 1962
History Committee, report to the Psychoanalytic Society, December 20, 1962
History Committee of the Psychoanalytic Society, 1961 - 1965
History of Psychoanalytic Study Group of Los Angeles, 1945 -- 1947
History of the Psychoanalytic Institute of Los Angeles after the Split, under May Romm guidance
History of the Psychoanalytic Society, the History Committee, 1962
Interviews with the former members of Psychoanalytic Stud Group of Los Angeles, 1961 - 1965
LA Psychoanalytic Society, Historical Chronologyy and Outline,  February 1963
Los Angeles Psychoanalytic Society and Institute, 1950s, 1960s
Maimon Leavitt, Past President, Los Angeles Psychoanalytic Society and Institute, 1960s
Norman Atkins, President, Los Angeles Psychoanalytic Society and Institute, 1960s
Oral Histories Project, interviews with the former members of Pskychoanalytic Study Group, 1962
Psychoanalysis in Calfivornia, Historical Highlights, Dr. Brunswick, Dr. Kandelin, 1966
Psychoanalytic movement in Sothern California by Dr. Brunswick, 1965
Psychoanalytic Study Group of Los Angeles by A. Kandalin, history, 1965
Sanitarium Schloss Tegel by A. Kandelin
The Cause of the History Committee and its Project, to understand and improve, Dr. Kandelin
The Fenichel - Simmel Memorial Lectures by Dr. Brunswick
The first official Psychoanalytic society in California, by A. Kandalin, 1965
The History Committee, principle organizational setting for how to conduct interviews, 1960s
The History Committee for the Society and Institute, Oral History Project, 1960s
The Purpose and discourse of the History Committee in conducting the interview project, 1960s di
The task of the History Committee, 1960s
Transcripts and narratives of the interviews with the members of Psychoanalytic Study Group, 1960s

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Item:

[Item 1: RG - 10.01, A History of Psychoanalytic movement in LA area by Dr. David Brunswick, 1957, 1957],
[Item 2: RG - 10.02, Psychoanalysis in Calfivornia, Historical Highlights, Dr. Brunswick, Dr. Kandelin, 1966, October 27, 1966],
[Item 3: RG - 10.03, About  Dr. David Brunswick, Curriculum Vitae of him, 1940s],
[Item 4: RG - 10.04, Forerunners of the Split, Recollections of Dr. Brunswick, May 1962, May 22, 1962],
[Item 5: RG - 10.05, The Fenichel - Simmel Memorial Lectures by Dr. Brunswick, November 17, 1971, November 17, 1971],
[Item 6: RG - 10.06, Embryology of the Los Angeles Psychoanalytic Society, Dr. Brunswick, 1971, March 26, 1971],

Item 6: RG - 10.06, Embryology of the Los Angeles Psychoanalytic Society, Dr. Brunswick, 1971, March 26, 1971Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
Embryology of the Los Angeles Psychoanalytic Society, Dr. Brunswick, 1971
Subject/Index Terms:
Psychoanalytic Study Group of Los Angeles, history
Initial period of Psychoanalytic Study Group of Los Angeles, 1920s, 1930s, Brunswick
David Brunswick in Vienna, 1927 -- 1930, psychoanalytic training
Richard and Ruth Tolman introduced David Brunswick to a Psychoanalytic Study Group in Los Angeles
In the 1930s the Psychoanalytic Group held meeting at the house of Thomas and Margrit Libbin
Professor Paul Epstein, founder of Psychoanalytic Study Group of Los Angeles
Dr. David Brunswick commenced psychoanalytic practice in Los Angeles, 1931
Estelle Levy, founder of Psychoanalytic Study Group of Los Angeles
Marjorie Leonard, founder of Psychoanalytic Study Group of Los Angeles
Decision to invite Dr. Ernest Simmel to join Psychoanalytic Study Group, by group members, May 1933
Dr. Ernest Simmel was invited to Los Angeles on May 8, 1933, Brunswick
Dr. Brunswick acquainted with Dr.Simmel from Sanitarium Schloss Tegel at Berlin
Dr. Simmel arrived in Los Angeles in April 1934, Dr. Brunswick
Dr. A.A. Brill, admonition to Dr. Simmel with regard to lay analysts in Los Angeles, Brunswick
Meeting between Dr. Ernest Simmel and Dr. Abraham Brill on the theme of restraining lay analysis
Dr. Simmel invited Frances Deri and Otto Fenichel, psychoanalysts from Europe
Frances Deri, founder of Psychoanalytic Study Group of Los Angeles
Frances Deri and Dr. Simmel invited Otto Fenichel who arrived in 1938 to Los Angeles, Brunswick
Dr. Hanna Fenichel (Heilborn) arrived in Los Angeles in 1938
Brunswick opined that Dr. Simmel could misjudge personalities out of good intentions, mistakes
May Romm, a negative encounter with Dr. Simmel, ca 1943, Brunswick
Dr. Simmel had gone the long and thorny path to eventually created Society and Institute, 1946
Documents from the NCP Archive, Dr. David Brunswick
Dr. David Brunswick, scholar, psychoanalyst, psychiatrist (1930s -- 1960s)

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