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Biographical information of analysts, correspondences



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Biographical Note

Detailed Description

RG-14.01, Edgar Daniels, Resume, December 11, 1939

RG-14.02, Resignation of Dr. Daniel Daniels, tensions, a letter from David Brunswick, February 10, 1942

RG-14.03, Curriculum Vita of Frances Deri, until 1935

RG-14.04, A letter from Karl Menninger to Jacob Druckman, application, May 29, 1941

RG-14.05, A letter from Robert Knight to Ernest Simmel, Drukmann's candidacy, September 2, 1941

RG-14.06, A letter from Karl Menninger to Ernest Simmel, of Dr. Druckmann, October 2, 1941

RG-14.07, A letter from Ernest Simmel to Jacob Druckmann, September 9, 1941

RG-14.08, Dr. Jacob Drukmann, a form for Curriculum Vita, Topeka society, August 26, 1941

RG-14.09, A letter from Lewis Fielding to Lucie Jessner, training in psychoanalysis, October 12,1946

RG-14.10, A letter from Karl Menninger to Ernest Simmel of Dr. Sperling, October 10, 1940

RG-14.11, A letter from Karl Menninger to Ernest Simmel of Dr. Stewart, October 10, 1940

RG-14.12, A letter from Helen Tausend to Ernest Simmel, request for analysis, November 1, 1945

RG-14.13, A letter from Ernest Simmel to Helen Tausand, candidacy, November 12, 1945

RG-14.14, A letter from Ernest Simmel to Helen Tausand, candidacy, June 11, 1946

RG-14.15, Charles Tidd, Resume, September 7, 1948

RG-14.16, Interview with Dr. Esther Tietz, discourse on the application of psychoanalysis, January 25, 1949

RG-14.17, A letter from Ernest Simmel to Karl Menninger, candidacy of Dr. Worthington, July 7, 1941

RG-14.18, Emanuel Windholz, Curriculum Vitae, December 6, 1939

RG-14.19, A letter from Ernest Simmel to Robert Knight, candidacy of Emanuel Windholz, January 10, 1940

RG-14.20, Robert  Worthington, Resume, June 22, 1941

RG-14.21, A letter from Karl Menninger to Ernest Simmel, Candidacy of Robert Worthington, July 5,1941

RG-14.22, A letter from C.V. Ramana to Charcles Tidd, journal Samiska, December 6, 1948

RG-14.23, Ernst Lewy, Memorandum of visa support for Dr. Ramana, India, November 4, 1948

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Biographical information of analysts, correspondences, 1940-1950 | NCP-LA

By Dr. Vladimir Melamed

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Collection Overview

Title: Biographical information of analysts, correspondences, 1940-1950Add to your cart.View associated digital content.

Predominant Dates:1940s - 1950s

ID: RG-14/RG-14

Primary Creator: Dr. Ernst Lewy, psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, scholar (1944 -- 1963)

Other Creators: Dr. Karl Menninger, psychiatrist (1893 -- 1990)

Extent: 1.0 Boxes

Subjects: A letter from David Brunswick to Edgar Daniels, February 10, 1942, A letter from Edgar Daniels to Robert Knight and Ernest Simmel, December 11, 1939, A letter from Ernest Simmel to Helen Tausand, of her candidacy, November 12, 1945, A letter from Ernest Simmel to Helen Tausend of her candidacy, June 11, 1946, A letter from Ernest Simmel to Jacob Druckmann, of his candidacy, September 9, 1941, A letter from Ernest Simmel to Karl Menninger, candidacy of Dr. Worthington, July 7, 1941, A letter from Helen Tausend to Ernest Simmel, request for analysis, November 1, 1945, A letter from Karl Menninger to Ernest Simmel of Dr. Sperling, October 10, 1940, A letter from Karl Menninger to Ernest Simmel of Dr. Stewart, October 10, 1940, A letter from Karl Menninger to Jacob Druckman, application, May 29, 1941, A letter from Lewis Fielding to Lucie Jessner, training in psychoanalysis, October 12,1946, A letter from Robert Knight to Ernest Simmel, Druckmann's candidacy, September 2, 1941, Application for the training in Psychoanalysis, 1940s, 1950s, Correspondence between Dr. Ernest Simmel and Dr. Karl Menninger, Correspondence between Dr. Karl Menninger and Dr. Ernest Simmel, 1930s, Correspondence between Ernest Simmel and Helen Tausend, 1940s, Correspondence between Ernest Simmel and Jacob Druckmann, of his candidacy, 1940s, Correspondence between Ernest Simmel and Robert Knight, 1940s, Correspondences between the mentor-psychoanalysts with regard to prospective trainees, 1940s, 1950s, Documents from the NCP-LA Archive, Documents from the NCP-LA Archive, Dr. Tidd, Documents from the NCP-LA Archive, Frances Deri, Documents from the NCP Archive, Dr. David Brunswick, Documents from the NCP Archive, Dr. Ernest Simmel, Documents of Dr. Jacob Druckman in the NCP-LA Archive, Documents of Dr. Karl Menninger in NCP-LA Archive, Documents of Edgar Daniels in the NCP-LA Archive, Documents of Helen Tausend in the NCP-LA Archive, Documents of Lewis Fielding in the NCP-LA Archive, Documents of Lucie Jessner in the NCP-LA Archive, Documents of Robert Knight in the NCP-LA Archive, Dr. Charles Tidd, Resume, September 7, 1948, Dr. Edgar Daniels, Resume submitted for psychoanalytic training, December 1939, Dr. Jacob Drukmann, a form for Curriculum Vita, Topeka society, August 26, 1941, Frances Deri, education, social and scientific work, narrated, ca 1935, Interview with Dr. Esther Tietz, notes, Ernst Lewy, January 25, 1949, Recommendations for the prospective analysts in training, 1940s, 1950s, Resignation of Dr. Edgar Daniels from Psychoanalytic Study Group, LA, February 1942, Resumes and curriculum vitae of the applicants in training, 1940s, 1950s, Scientific biography of Frances Deri, until 1935, Tensions between Mrs. Deri and Dr. Edgar Daniels, 1941, letter from Brunswick, February 1942

Languages: English


This Collection contains applications, resumes and curriculum vitae of professionals applied for psychoanalytic training.

A larger part of this collections comprises correspondences with regard to references and recommendations submitted on behalf of applicants. The time-period relates to the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s.

Scope and Contents of the Materials

The bulk of the documents presented in this collection is a factual correspondences between the prospective mentors in Psychoanalysis and the correspondences between those who wrote recommendations and those established analysts who were willing to accept the new analysts in training.

Collection Historical Note

RG -- 14, Biographical information of analysts, correspondences

This Collection contains applications, resumes and curriculum vitae of professionals applied for psychoanalytic training.

A larger part of this collections comprises correspondences with regard to references and recommendations submitted on behalf of applicants. The time-period relates to the 1940s and 1950s.

In the 1940s and 1950s in America, Psychoanalysis becomes a sphere of interests for psychiatrists  and the psychoanalysts with European educations. To practice in America, they have to be trained and pass exams in one of the accredited psychoanalytic and psychiatric institutions.

This explains the flow of resumes, applications and curriculum vitae from the prospective psychoanalysts in training.

To be admitted to a several year course of training they had to submit their education records and curriculum vitae showing their previous practices in the given field. The applicants also had to secure recommendations from the established psychoanalysts with compliance to the standards of American Psychoanalytic Association.

The bulk of the documents presented in this collection is a factual correspondences between the prospective mentors in Psychoanalysis and the correspondences between those who wrote recommendations and those established analysts who were willing to accept the new analysts in training.

This Collection comprises 119 documents.

RG-14.01, Edgar Daniels, Resume, December 11, 1939


Dr. Edgar Daniels


A letter from Edgar Daniels to Robert Knight and Ernest Simmel, December 11, 1939

Dr. Edgar Daniels, Resume submitted for psychoanalytic training, December 1939

Applications for psychoanalysis in training, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s

Resume and Curriculum Vitae from prospective analysts in training, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s

Documents of Edgar Daniels in the NCP-LA Archive

Documents of Robert Knight in the NCP-LA Archive

Documents from the NCP Archive, Dr. Ernest Simmel

Documents from the NCP-LA Archive

RG-14.02, Resignation of Dr. Daniel Daniels, tensions, a letter from David Brunswick, February 10, 1942


Dr. David Brunswick, scholar, psychoanalyst, psychiatrist (1930s -- 1960s)


A letter from David Brunswick to Edgar Daniels, February 10, 1942

Resignation of Dr. Edgar Daniels from Psychoanalytic Study Group, LA, February 1942

Tensions between Mrs. Deri and Dr. Edgar Daniels, 1941, letter from Brunswick, February 1942

Documents of Edgar Daniels in the NCP-LA Archive

Documents from the NCP Archive, Dr. David Brunswick

Documents from the NCP-LA Archive

RG-14.03, Curriculum Vita of Frances Deri, until 1935


Frances Deri, psychoanalyst, scholar (1930s -- 1960s)


Scientific biography of Frances Deri, until 1935

Frances Deri, education, social and scientific work, narrated, ca 1935

Documents from the NCP-LA Archive, Frances Deri

Documents from the NCP-LA Archive

RG-14.04, A letter from Karl Menninger to Jacob Druckman, application, May 29, 1941


Dr. Karl Menninger, psychiatrist (1893 -- 1990)


A letter from Karl Menninger to Jacob Druckman, application, May 29, 1941

Applications for psychoanalysis in training, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s

Documents of Dr. Karl Menninger in NCP-LA Archive

Documents of Dr. Jacob Druckman in the NCP-LA Archive

Documents from the NCP-LA Archive

RG-14.05, A letter from Robert Knight to Ernest Simmel, Drukmann's candidacy, September 2, 1941


Robert P. Knight, psychiatrist, psychoanalyst


A letter from Robert Knight to Ernest Simmel, Druckmann's candidacy, September 2, 1941

Correspondence between Ernest Simmel and Robert Knight, 1940s

Applications for psychoanalysis in training, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s

Documents from the NCP Archive, Dr. Ernest Simmel

Documents of Robert Knight in the NCP-LA Archive

Documents from the NCP-LA Archive

RG-14.07, A letter from Ernest Simmel to Jacob Druckmann, September 9, 1941


Dr. Ernest Simmel, scholar, psychoanalyst, founder of the Schloss Tegel hospital (1882 --1947)



A letter from Ernest Simmel to Jacob Druckmann, of his candidacy, September 9, 1941

Correspondence between Ernest Simmel and Jacob Druckmann, of his candidacy, 1940s

Applications for psychoanalysis in training, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s

Documents from the NCP Archive, Dr. Ernest Simmel

Documents of Dr. Jacob Druckmann in the NCP-LA Archive

Documents from the NCP-LA Archive

RG-14.08, Dr. Jacob Drukmann, a form for Curriculum Vita, Topeka society, August 26, 1941


Jacob Druckman, American psychiatrist, psychoanalyst


Dr. Jacob Drukmann, a form for Curriculum Vita, Topeka society, August 26, 1941

Applications for psychoanalysis in training, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s

Documents of Dr. Jacob Druckman in the NCP-LA Archive

Documents from the NCP-LA Archive

RG-14.09, A letter from Lewis Fielding to Lucie Jessner, training in psychoanalysis, October 12,1946


Lewis Fielding, psychiatrist


A letter from Lewis Fielding to Lucie Jessner, training in psychoanalysis, October 12,1946

Applications for psychoanalysis in training, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s

Documents of Lewis Fielding in the NCP-LA Archive

Documents of Lucie Jessner in the NCP-LA Archive

Documents from the NCP-LA Archive

RG-14.10, A letter from Karl Menninger to Ernest Simmel of Dr. Sperling, October 10, 1940


Dr. Karl Menninger, psychiatrist (1893 -- 1990)


A letter from Karl Menninger to Ernest Simmel of Dr. Sperling, October 10, 1940

Correspondence between Dr. Karl Menninger and Dr. Ernest Simmel, 1930s

Applications for psychoanalysis in training, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s

Documents from the NCP Archive, Dr. Ernest Simmel

Documents from the NCP-LA Archive, Dr. Karl Menninger

Documents from the NCP-LA Archive

RG-14.11, A letter from Karl Menninger to Ernest Simmel of Dr. Stewart, October 10, 1940


Dr. Karl Menninger, psychiatrist (1893 -- 1990)


A letter from Karl Menninger to Ernest Simmel of Dr. Stewart, October 10, 1940

Correspondence between Dr. Karl Menninger and Dr. Ernest Simmel, 1930s

Applications for psychoanalysis in training, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s

Documents from the NCP Archive, Dr. Ernest Simmel

Documents from the NCP-LA Archive, Dr. Karl Menninger

Documents from the NCP-LA Archive 

RG-14.12, A letter from Helen Tausend to Ernest Simmel, request for analysis, November 1, 1945


Helen Tausend, psychiatrist


A letter from Helen Tausend to Ernest Simmel, request for analysis, November 1, 1945

Correspondence between Ernest Simmel and Helen Tausend, 1940s

Applications for psychoanalysis in training, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s

Documents of Helen Tausend in the NCP-LA Archive

Documents from the NCP Archive, Dr. Ernest Simmel

Documents from the NCP-LA Archive

RG-14.13, A letter from Ernest Simmel to Helen Tausand, candidacy, November 12, 1945 


Dr. Ernest Simmel, scholar, psychoanalyst, founder of the Schloss Tegel hospital (1882 --1947)


A letter from Ernest Simmel to Helen Tausand, of her candidacy, November 12, 1945

Correspondence between Ernest Simmel and Helen Tausend, 1940s

Applications for psychoanalysis in training, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s

Documents of Helen Tausend in the NCP-LA Archive

Documents from the NCP Archive, Dr. Ernest Simmel

Documents from the NCP-LA Archive 

RG-14.14, A letter from Ernest Simmel to Helen Tausand, candidacy, June 11, 1946 


Dr. Ernest Simmel, scholar, psychoanalyst, founder of the Schloss Tegel hospital (1882 --1947)


A letter from Ernest Simmel to Helen Tausend of her candidacy, June 11, 1946

Correspondence between Ernest Simmel and Helen Tausend, 1940s

Applications for psychoanalysis in training, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s

Documents of Helen Tausend in the NCP-LA Archive

Documents from the NCP Archive, Dr. Ernest Simmel

Documents from the NCP-LA Archive 

RG-14.15, Charles Tidd, Resume, September 7, 1948 


Dr. Charles Tidd, scholar, psychoanalyst (1935 -- 1950)


Dr. Charles Tidd, Resume, September 7, 1948

Applications for psychoanalysis in training, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s

Documents from the NCP-LA Archive, Dr. Tidd

Documents from the NCP-LA Archive

RG-14.16, Interview with Dr. Esther Tietz, discourse on the application of psychoanalysis, January 25, 1949


Dr. Ernst Lewy, psychiatrist, psychoanalyst, scholar (1944 -- 1963)


Interview with Dr. Esther Tietz, notes, Ernst Lewy, January 25, 1949

Applications for psychoanalysis in training, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s

Documents of Dr. Ernst Lewy in the NCP-LA Archive

Documents from the NCP-LA Archive 

RG-14.17, A letter from Ernest Simmel to Karl Menninger, candidacy of Dr. Worthington, July 7, 1941 


Dr. Ernest Simmel, scholar, psychoanalyst, founder of the Schloss Tegel hospital (1882 --1947)


A letter from Ernest Simmel to Karl Menninger, candidacy of Dr. Worthington, July 7, 1941

Correspondence between Dr. Ernest Simmel and Dr. Karl Menninger

Applications for psychoanalysis in training, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s

Documents from the NCP Archive, Dr. Ernest Simmel

Documents of Dr. Karl Menninger in NCP-LA Archive

Documents from the NCP-LA Archive

Biographical Note

Dr. Ernst Lewy, native of Germany (Posen), nowadays Poland, received eduction in German universities.

Since the 1930s practiced in America, in the East Coast.

Since 1944 moved to Los Angeles.

From that time on he becomes a member of the Psychoanalytic Study Group.

He maintained close professional relations with Dr. Ernst Simmel.

Dr. Lewy holds Dr. Simmel in high esteem.

Dr. Lewy's views on American psychoanalysis are of noticable critical dimension. He stands in favor on independent scholarship and realized in this regard the scienitific value of independent lay analysis

Subject/Index Terms

A letter from David Brunswick to Edgar Daniels, February 10, 1942
A letter from Edgar Daniels to Robert Knight and Ernest Simmel, December 11, 1939
A letter from Ernest Simmel to Helen Tausand, of her candidacy, November 12, 1945
A letter from Ernest Simmel to Helen Tausend of her candidacy, June 11, 1946
A letter from Ernest Simmel to Jacob Druckmann, of his candidacy, September 9, 1941
A letter from Ernest Simmel to Karl Menninger, candidacy of Dr. Worthington, July 7, 1941
A letter from Helen Tausend to Ernest Simmel, request for analysis, November 1, 1945
A letter from Karl Menninger to Ernest Simmel of Dr. Sperling, October 10, 1940
A letter from Karl Menninger to Ernest Simmel of Dr. Stewart, October 10, 1940
A letter from Karl Menninger to Jacob Druckman, application, May 29, 1941
A letter from Lewis Fielding to Lucie Jessner, training in psychoanalysis, October 12,1946
A letter from Robert Knight to Ernest Simmel, Druckmann's candidacy, September 2, 1941
Application for the training in Psychoanalysis, 1940s, 1950s
Correspondence between Dr. Ernest Simmel and Dr. Karl Menninger
Correspondence between Dr. Karl Menninger and Dr. Ernest Simmel, 1930s
Correspondence between Ernest Simmel and Helen Tausend, 1940s
Correspondence between Ernest Simmel and Jacob Druckmann, of his candidacy, 1940s
Correspondence between Ernest Simmel and Robert Knight, 1940s
Correspondences between the mentor-psychoanalysts with regard to prospective trainees, 1940s, 1950s
Documents from the NCP-LA Archive
Documents from the NCP-LA Archive, Dr. Tidd
Documents from the NCP-LA Archive, Frances Deri
Documents from the NCP Archive, Dr. David Brunswick
Documents from the NCP Archive, Dr. Ernest Simmel
Documents of Dr. Jacob Druckman in the NCP-LA Archive
Documents of Dr. Karl Menninger in NCP-LA Archive
Documents of Edgar Daniels in the NCP-LA Archive
Documents of Helen Tausend in the NCP-LA Archive
Documents of Lewis Fielding in the NCP-LA Archive
Documents of Lucie Jessner in the NCP-LA Archive
Documents of Robert Knight in the NCP-LA Archive
Dr. Charles Tidd, Resume, September 7, 1948
Dr. Edgar Daniels, Resume submitted for psychoanalytic training, December 1939
Dr. Jacob Drukmann, a form for Curriculum Vita, Topeka society, August 26, 1941
Frances Deri, education, social and scientific work, narrated, ca 1935
Interview with Dr. Esther Tietz, notes, Ernst Lewy, January 25, 1949
Recommendations for the prospective analysts in training, 1940s, 1950s
Resignation of Dr. Edgar Daniels from Psychoanalytic Study Group, LA, February 1942
Resumes and curriculum vitae of the applicants in training, 1940s, 1950s
Scientific biography of Frances Deri, until 1935
Tensions between Mrs. Deri and Dr. Edgar Daniels, 1941, letter from Brunswick, February 1942

Box and Folder Listing

Browse by Item:

[Item 1: RG-14.01, Edgar Daniels, Resume, December 11, 1939, December 11, 1939],
[Item 2: RG-14.02, Resignation of Dr. Daniel Daniels, tensions, a letter from David Brunswick, February 10, 1942, February 10, 1942],
[Item 3: RG-14.03, Curriculum Vita of Frances Deri, until 1935, ca 1935],
[Item 4: RG-14.04, A letter from Karl Menninger to Jacob Druckman, application, May 29, 1941, May 29, 1941],
[Item 5: RG-14.05, A letter from Robert Knight to Ernest Simmel, Drukmann's candidacy, September 2, 1941, September 2, 1941],
[Item 6: RG-14.06, A letter from Karl Menninger to Ernest Simmel, of Dr. Druckmann, October 2, 1941, October 2, 1941],
[Item 7: RG-14.07, A letter from Ernest Simmel to Jacob Druckmann, September 9, 1941, September 9, 1941],
[Item 8: RG-14.08, Dr. Jacob Drukmann, a form for Curriculum Vita, Topeka society, August 26, 1941, August 26, 1941],
[Item 9: RG-14.09, A letter from Lewis Fielding to Lucie Jessner, training in psychoanalysis, October 12,1946, October 12, 1946],
[Item 10: RG-14.10, A letter from Karl Menninger to Ernest Simmel of Dr. Sperling, October 10, 1940, October 10, 1940],
[Item 11: RG-14.11, A letter from Karl Menninger to Ernest Simmel of Dr. Stewart, October 10, 1940, October 10, 1940],
[Item 12: RG-14.12, A letter from Helen Tausend to Ernest Simmel, request for analysis, November 1, 1945, November 1, 1945],
[Item 13: RG-14.13, A letter from Ernest Simmel to Helen Tausand, candidacy, November 12, 1945, November 12, 1945],
[Item 14: RG-14.14, A letter from Ernest Simmel to Helen Tausand, candidacy, June 11, 1946, June 11, 1946],
[Item 15: RG-14.15, Charles Tidd, Resume, September 7, 1948, September 7, 1948],
[Item 16: RG-14.16, Interview with Dr. Esther Tietz, discourse on the application of psychoanalysis, January 25, 1949, January 25, 1949],
[Item 17: RG-14.17, A letter from Ernest Simmel to Karl Menninger, candidacy of Dr. Worthington, July 7, 1941, July 7, 1941],
[Item 18: RG-14.18, Emanuel Windholz, Curriculum Vitae, December 6, 1939, December 6, 1939],
[Item 19: RG-14.19, A letter from Ernest Simmel to Robert Knight, candidacy of Emanuel Windholz, January 10, 1940, January 10, 1940],
[Item 20: RG-14.20, Robert  Worthington, Resume, June 22, 1941, June 22, 1941],
[Item 21: RG-14.21, A letter from Karl Menninger to Ernest Simmel, Candidacy of Robert Worthington, July 5,1941, July 5, 1941],
[Item 22: RG-14.22, A letter from C.V. Ramana to Charcles Tidd, journal Samiska, December 6, 1948, December 6, 1948],
[Item 23: RG-14.23, Ernst Lewy, Memorandum of visa support for Dr. Ramana, India, November 4, 1948, November 4, 1948],

Item 13: RG-14.13, A letter from Ernest Simmel to Helen Tausand, candidacy, November 12, 1945, November 12, 1945Add to your cart.View associated digital content.
A letter from Ernest Simmel to Helen Tausand, candidacy, November 12, 1945
Subject/Index Terms:
A letter from Ernest Simmel to Helen Tausand, of her candidacy, November 12, 1945
Correspondence between Ernest Simmel and Helen Tausend, 1940s
Applications for psychoanalysis in training, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s
Documents of Helen Tausend in the NCP-LA Archive
Documents from the NCP Archive, Dr. Ernest Simmel
Documents from the NCP-LA Archive
Dr. Ernst Simmel, scholar, psychoanalyst, founder of the Schloss Tegel hospital (1882 --1947)

Browse by Item:

[Item 1: RG-14.01, Edgar Daniels, Resume, December 11, 1939, December 11, 1939],
[Item 2: RG-14.02, Resignation of Dr. Daniel Daniels, tensions, a letter from David Brunswick, February 10, 1942, February 10, 1942],
[Item 3: RG-14.03, Curriculum Vita of Frances Deri, until 1935, ca 1935],
[Item 4: RG-14.04, A letter from Karl Menninger to Jacob Druckman, application, May 29, 1941, May 29, 1941],
[Item 5: RG-14.05, A letter from Robert Knight to Ernest Simmel, Drukmann's candidacy, September 2, 1941, September 2, 1941],
[Item 6: RG-14.06, A letter from Karl Menninger to Ernest Simmel, of Dr. Druckmann, October 2, 1941, October 2, 1941],
[Item 7: RG-14.07, A letter from Ernest Simmel to Jacob Druckmann, September 9, 1941, September 9, 1941],
[Item 8: RG-14.08, Dr. Jacob Drukmann, a form for Curriculum Vita, Topeka society, August 26, 1941, August 26, 1941],
[Item 9: RG-14.09, A letter from Lewis Fielding to Lucie Jessner, training in psychoanalysis, October 12,1946, October 12, 1946],
[Item 10: RG-14.10, A letter from Karl Menninger to Ernest Simmel of Dr. Sperling, October 10, 1940, October 10, 1940],
[Item 11: RG-14.11, A letter from Karl Menninger to Ernest Simmel of Dr. Stewart, October 10, 1940, October 10, 1940],
[Item 12: RG-14.12, A letter from Helen Tausend to Ernest Simmel, request for analysis, November 1, 1945, November 1, 1945],
[Item 13: RG-14.13, A letter from Ernest Simmel to Helen Tausand, candidacy, November 12, 1945, November 12, 1945],
[Item 14: RG-14.14, A letter from Ernest Simmel to Helen Tausand, candidacy, June 11, 1946, June 11, 1946],
[Item 15: RG-14.15, Charles Tidd, Resume, September 7, 1948, September 7, 1948],
[Item 16: RG-14.16, Interview with Dr. Esther Tietz, discourse on the application of psychoanalysis, January 25, 1949, January 25, 1949],
[Item 17: RG-14.17, A letter from Ernest Simmel to Karl Menninger, candidacy of Dr. Worthington, July 7, 1941, July 7, 1941],
[Item 18: RG-14.18, Emanuel Windholz, Curriculum Vitae, December 6, 1939, December 6, 1939],
[Item 19: RG-14.19, A letter from Ernest Simmel to Robert Knight, candidacy of Emanuel Windholz, January 10, 1940, January 10, 1940],
[Item 20: RG-14.20, Robert  Worthington, Resume, June 22, 1941, June 22, 1941],
[Item 21: RG-14.21, A letter from Karl Menninger to Ernest Simmel, Candidacy of Robert Worthington, July 5,1941, July 5, 1941],
[Item 22: RG-14.22, A letter from C.V. Ramana to Charcles Tidd, journal Samiska, December 6, 1948, December 6, 1948],
[Item 23: RG-14.23, Ernst Lewy, Memorandum of visa support for Dr. Ramana, India, November 4, 1948, November 4, 1948],

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