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Searching within the finding aid for Psychoanalytic Narratives, Discourses and Conceptions, 1918-1960
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- RG-13.01, A psychoanalytic study of an Inferiority Complex, by Dr. Mehl McDowell, ca 1958
- RG-13.02, Dr. Siegfried Bernfeld, Puberty, Youth and Adolescence, discourse , October 1, 1937
- RG-13.03, Neurotic Criminality and Lust Murder, by Dr. Simmel, October 7, 1938
- RG-13.04, Ego, Strength and Weakness by Dr. Otto Fenichel, welcoming to the Study Group, June 24, 1938
- RG-13.05, Prof. Paul Epstein, The Death Instinct, abstract, February 3, 1939
- RG-13.06, Dr. Brunswick, Terminable and Endless Analysis, review of the Freud perception, December 3, 1937
- RG-13.07, The Analysis of the Mother of a Tranvenstite Boy by Dr. Robert Stoller, May 1965
- RG-13.08, The Drivers and the Affects, an essay by Dr. Brunswick, March 18, 1965
- RG-13.09, Prof. Paul Epstein, The Death Urge, paper presented to Psychoanalytic Study Group, February 3, 1939
- RG-13.10, Dr. Bernfeld, Pathology and Logic of Interpretation, December 1, 1939
- RG-13.11, Dr. May Romm, Reformed and expedited psychoanalytic treatment, June 11, 1943
- RG-13.12, Dr. Fenichel, The Psychology of the Emigrant, December 18, 1942
- RG-13.13, Dr. Fenichel, Guilt Feeling, January 23, 1943
- RG-13.14, Dr. Erikson, Psychiatric Observation on a Submarine, September 4, 1942
- RG-13.15, Psychoanalysis in the work at the Induction Board, October 2, 1942
- RG-13.16, Dr. Ralph Greenson, Introduction to Psychoanalytic Child Psychology, lecture , lecture, October 23, 1946
- RG-13.17, Dr. Ralph Greenson, Introduction to Psychoanalytic Child Psychology, discourse, October 30, 1946
- RG-13.18, Dr. Ralph Greenson, Introduction to Psychoanalytic Child Psychology, discourse, November 6, 1946
- RG-13.19, Dr. Ralph Greenson, Introduction to Psychoanalytic Child Psychology, discourse , November 13, 1946
- RG-13.20, Dr. Ralph Greenson, Introduction to Psychoanalytic Child Psychology, Oedipus Situation, November 20, 1946
- RG-13.21, Formation of the Superego, Dr. Ralph Greenson, Introduction to Psychoanalytic Child Psychology, 1946
- RG-13.22, Dr. Newhouse, Discussion on early indications of psychotic tendencies, December 13, 1946
- RG-13.23, Dr. Ernst Simmel, War Neuroses, an English adaptation, 1944, first published in Germany, 1918
- RG-13.24, Dr. Simmel, Etiology of Dementia Parecox, inaugural dissertation, 1908
- RG-13.25, Dr. Simmel, Self-Preservation and the Death Instinct, reprint, 1944
- RG-13.26, Dr. Simmel, Phenomenon of Acting Out, paper, 1936
- RG-13.27, Hanna Segal, Introduction to the Kleinian Technique in Psychoanalysis, January 10, 1966
- RG-13.28, Hanna Segal, Delusion and Artistic Creativity, The Spire, 1973
- RG-13.29, Hanna Segal, A Delusional System as a Defense against the re-emergence of a Catastrophic Situation
- RG-13.30, Enid Balint, On the Feeling of being Empty of Oneself, 1963
- RG-13.31, Ruth Aaron, The Analyst Emotional Life During Work, paper, 1960s
- RG-13.32, George Pollock, Symbiosis and the Symbiotic Neurosis, paper, 1962
- RG-13.33, Kato Van Leeuwen, Sydney Pomer, The Separation-Adaptation Response, Paper, 1969
- RG-13.34, Leo Rangel, The Concept of Psychic Trauma, Paper, 1965
- RG-13.35, Michael Balint, Two Forms of Regression -- Benign and Malignant, 1963
- RG-13.36, Franz Alexander, The Dynamics of Psychotherapy in the Light of Learning Theory, 1963
- RG-13.37, Herbert Schlesinger, Progressive and Regressive Elements in the Making of Promises, essay, 1962
- RG-13.38, Hyman Weiland, A New Concept in Crisis Intervention, American annual meeting, 1967
- RG-13.39, Leo Rangell, The Scope of Heinz Hartmann, essay, 1964
- RG-13.40, Kato van Leeuwen, Child Sexual Abuse, Changes in Psychoanalytic Perspective, article, 1993
- RG-13.41, Heiman van Dam, Problems of Transference in Child Analysis, 1966
- RG-13.42, Hyman Weiland, Considering on the Development of Symbiosis, Separation Anxiety, essay
- RG-13.43, Kato Van Leeuwen, Study of Separation-Adaptation Phenomena, June 1970
- RG-13.44, Dr. Simmel, Anti-Semitism A Social Disease, collection of essays, edited by Simmel, 1946
- RG-13.45, David Shakow, Psychoanalytic education for behavioral and social scientist, research, 1960s
- RG-13.46, Anna Freud, Regression is instinctual, discourse, 1960s
- RG-13.47, The Ego Fear of its Wish for Regress, discourse, unsigned, 1960s
- RG-13.48, Letter from Charles Sarlin to Robert Jokl, regression and anxiety, correlation, April 20, 1959
- RG-13.49, Letter from Jokl to Sarlin, The Ego and Regression, discourse, April 12, 1959
- RG-13.50, Charles Sarlin, Ego psychology, regression and anxiety, correlation, essay, 1959
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