RG-30.22, Los Angeles Psychoanalytic Society, historical chronology | NCP-LA
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RG-30.22, Los Angeles Psychoanalytic Society, historical chronology
Found in:
History of Los Angeles Psychoanalytic Society and Institute, 1950-1999 Item 22: RG-30.22, Los Angeles Psychoanalytic Society, historical chronology, 1963
David Brunswick arrives in Los Angeles, 1930
Dian Howard employed by Dr. Simmel as Secretary for the Society, 1944
Documents of the History Committee for the Society and Institute, 1960s
Ernest Simmel, first President of the Psychoanalytic Group, 1935
Ernest Simmel arrives in Los Angeles, 1934
Ernest Simmel died on November 11, 1947
First West Coast Psychoanalytic meeting, March 1940
LAPSI, documents from the NCP-LA Archive
LAPSI office and auditorium located at 344 N. Bedford Drive, Beverly Hills, 1953
Los Angeles Psychoanalytic Institute is founded, 1946
Los Angeles Psychoanalytic Society, historical chronology, Albert Kandelin, 1963
Los Angeles Psychoanalytic Society is founded, 1946
Otto Fenichel arrives in Los Angeles, 1938
Otto Fenichel died on January 22, 1946
Psychoanalytic Study Group of LA is organized, 1935
School for Nursery Years is founded, 1940
School for Nursery Years located at 563 N. Alfred Street, Los Angeles, 1945
The San Francisco Psychoanalytic Institute is founded, 1947
The San Francisco Psychoanalytic Society is founded, 1942
The Split on two psychoanalytic institutes, 1950
Thomas and Margrit Libbin arrive in Los Angeles, 1927
Dian Howard employed by Dr. Simmel as Secretary for the Society, 1944
Documents of the History Committee for the Society and Institute, 1960s
Ernest Simmel, first President of the Psychoanalytic Group, 1935
Ernest Simmel arrives in Los Angeles, 1934
Ernest Simmel died on November 11, 1947
First West Coast Psychoanalytic meeting, March 1940
LAPSI, documents from the NCP-LA Archive
LAPSI office and auditorium located at 344 N. Bedford Drive, Beverly Hills, 1953
Los Angeles Psychoanalytic Institute is founded, 1946
Los Angeles Psychoanalytic Society, historical chronology, Albert Kandelin, 1963
Los Angeles Psychoanalytic Society is founded, 1946
Otto Fenichel arrives in Los Angeles, 1938
Otto Fenichel died on January 22, 1946
Psychoanalytic Study Group of LA is organized, 1935
School for Nursery Years is founded, 1940
School for Nursery Years located at 563 N. Alfred Street, Los Angeles, 1945
The San Francisco Psychoanalytic Institute is founded, 1947
The San Francisco Psychoanalytic Society is founded, 1942
The Split on two psychoanalytic institutes, 1950
Thomas and Margrit Libbin arrive in Los Angeles, 1927