Records Relating to Los Angeles Psychoanalytic ... | NCP-LA
The Los Angeles Psychoanalytic Society was a factual nucleus of the eventually established Los Angeles Psychoanalytic Institute and Society, commonly known as LAPSI. The Society remained an integral part of the new post-Split organization, namely the Institute. Formally the Society comprised all membership and confirmed the committees. The LAPSI, as a psychoanalytic institution comprised the Training School, the Society and a number of committees. The Society in the course of time becomes lesser official term for the LAPSI, however it always remained its integral part. All business and scientific meetings were held by the Society. The training process in the Analysis, although held, by the Training School, headed by the Dean, was also reflected in the corresponding documents of the Society, namely the Curriculum and schedule of courses.
Records filed under "Los Angeles Psychoanalytic Society, Papers, 1940s -- 1960s"