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Subjects Beginning with "T"
T.W. Adorno, Freudian theory is implemented for the interpretation of fascism, essay, the book, 1946
The British Psychoanalytic Society has deviated from Freudian principles, by Dr. Edward Glover, 1944
The Dissident group who split up and formed the new Institute were opposed to lay analysis, Dr. Lewy
The emphasis should be scientific and on training with minimum administration, Dr. Lawrence Friedman
The first meeting of the Los Angeles Psychoanalytic Society, November 4, 1946, reflections, Kandelin
The great discoveries of Freud, unconscious, transference, resistance, dream theory hold us together
The intra-mental conflict is specifically determined by the instability of the super-ego, Dr. Simmel
The new methods, family therapy, group therapy and medications diminished the role of psychoanalysis
The prohibition to speak, i.e. verbalize feelings must have led retroactively to inhibition to think
The second category of listeners are those who suffer from the Nazi regime but have no clear concept
The sense of continuing impasse in the Education committee persisted, 1960s, Leavitt, History, LAPSI
The state medical authorities do not regard the analytic methods as a part of medical practice, 1938
The sympathetic autonomic nervous system is responsible for defensive-aggressive instincts or drives
Theoretical and technical aspects of analysis during adolescence, second year, 16 hours, LAPSI 1960s
Theoretical and technical aspects of the analysis of latency child, 12 hours, syllabus, LAPSI, 1960s
Theoretical and Technical aspects of the analysis of the prelatency and latency child, a course, 4th
Theoretical and technical problems in the treatment of the Psychotic Child, a course, syllabus, 1966
Theoretical curriculum comprises lectures and seminars on the theory and technique of Psychoanalysis
Theory of early Object Relations, a course, 3rd year, Freud, A. Fredu, Spitz, Kris, Fenichel, Glover
Thomas and Margrit Libbin arrived in Los Angeles in 1927 the first trained psychoanalysts, Brunswick