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"Topical Term" Subjects Beginning with "H"
H. Lewinson, Seminars for Executives and Occupational Physicians, Bulletin, Menninger Clinic V.26, 1
Hanna Fenichel (Heilborn) reference to the vision conditions of James Strachey, letter March 18 1948
Hanna Fenichel attempted to connect Richard Loewenberg with Social Welfare Conference, in vain, 1948
Hanna Fenichel, reference to Grotjahn role of the Split in Psychoanalytic Society, in a letter, 1952
Hanna Heilborn (Fenichel) studies at Social Pedagogical Seminary, Charlottenburg, in German, ca 1914
Hanna Heilborn (Fenichel), Social Pedagogical Seminary, Charlottenburg, Diploma and Transcript, 1916
Hanna Heilborn, swimming achievement, certificate issued by the City Pool, Charlottenburg, July 1907
Henri Ellenberger, A Comparison of European and Americn Psychiatry, Bulletin, Menninger Clinic, V.19
History Committee, narrative, part 6, Changes in psychoanalytic identity and psychoanalytic practice
History committee, part 7, postgraduate education, public information, mental health, social problem